The code is different in the virtuemartpdfoutput.php file and even after making the changes, the filename is not changing.
Code: Select all
* @package Joomla 1.5
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* @component Phoca Plugin
* @copyright Copyright (C) Jan Pavelka
* @license GNU/GPL
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
class PhocaPDFVirtueMartPdfOutput {
* Outupt Items
public function getOutput($staticData = array()) {
$d = JRequest::get('request');
$plugin =&JPluginHelper::getPlugin('phocapdf', 'virtuemart');
$pluginP = new JParameter( $plugin->params );
$lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
$lang->load('plg_phocapdf_virtuemart', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true);
// Document is not rendered in browser, we need to get static data not set by request but by function
if(isset($staticData['order_id']) && (int)$staticData['order_id'] > 0) {
$d['order_id'] = (int)$staticData['order_id'];
if(isset($staticData['delivery_id']) && (int)$staticData['delivery_id'] > 0) {
$d['delivery_id'] = (int)$staticData['delivery_id'];
if (isset($staticData['type']) && $staticData['type'] != '') {
$d['type'] = $staticData['type'];
// Currency Info
$dbv = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbv');
$var = array('order_id' => $d['order_id']);
$dbo = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbo', $var);
$c = $dbo->order_currency;
$user_id = $dbo->user_id;
//if (!empty($staticData)) {
$CURRENCY_DISPLAY = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::getCurrencyDisplayStyle($dbv->vendor_currency_display_style, $dbo->order_currency);
//} else {
$check_items = array( "Delivery ID" => "delivery_id", "Order ID" => "order_id" );
if( !PhocaPDFVirtueMartPdfOutput::exists_and_is_numeric( $check_items, $d ) ) { return '<p>Error - Wrong delivery id or order id parameters</p>';}
$var = array('order_id' => $d['order_id'], 'delivery_id' => $d['delivery_id']);
$dbob = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbob', $var);
if(isset($dbob->obliterated)) {
$a['obliterated'] = $dbob->obliterated;
} else {
$a['obliterated'] = 0;
$var = array('order_id' => $dbo->order_id);
$dbp = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbp', $var);
$a['payment_method'] = $dbp->payment_method_name;
$var = array('delivery_id' => $d['delivery_id']);
$dbb = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbb', $var);
if($dbb->is_invoice == '1' && $d['type'] == 'invoice') {
$type = 'invoice';
$typeLabel = JText::_('PLG_PHOCAPDF_VM_INVOICE');
} else if($dbb->is_invoice == '0' && $d['type'] == 'receipt') {
$type = 'receipt';
$typeLabel = JText::_('PLG_PHOCAPDF_VM_RECEIPT');
} else {
$type = 'deliverynote';
$typeLabel = JText::_('PLG_PHOCAPDF_VM_DELNOTE');
// - - - - - - - - - - -
// - - - - - - - - - - -
// Rows
$without_tax = array();
$tax = array();
$with_tax = array();
$without_tax['item_total'] = 0;
$with_tax['item_total'] = 0;
$tax['item_total'] = 0;
$var = array('order_id' => $d['order_id'], 'delivery_id' => $d['delivery_id']);
$dbi = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbi', $var, '', 'objectlist');
$i = array();
$j = 0;
foreach ($dbi as $key => $value) {
$var = array('order_item_id' => $value->order_item_id);
$dbv2 = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbv2', $var);
$remaining = (int)$value->product_quantity - (int)$dbv2->delivered;
$price_with_tax = array();
$price_without_tax = array();
$price_tax = array();
//$displayed_price = array();
if($type == 'invoice' || $type == 'receipt') {
$price_with_tax['item'] = $value->product_final_price;
$price_with_tax['sum'] = $value->product_final_price * $value->product_quantity_delivered;
$price_without_tax['item'] = $value->product_item_price;
$price_without_tax['sum'] = $value->product_item_price * $value->product_quantity_delivered;
$price_tax['item'] = $price_with_tax['item'] - $price_without_tax['item'];
$price_tax['sum'] = $price_with_tax['sum'] - $price_without_tax['sum'];
$without_tax['item_total'] += $price_without_tax['sum'];
$with_tax['item_total'] += $price_with_tax['sum'];
$tax['item_total'] += $price_tax['sum'];
/*if( isset($auth["show_price_including_tax"]) ) {
$displayed_price = $price_with_tax;
} else {
$displayed_price = $price_without_tax;
// SKU
$i[$j]['order_item_sku'] = $value->order_item_sku;
$i[$j]['order_item_name'] = $value->order_item_name;
$i[$j]['product_quantity'] = $value->product_quantity;
$i[$j]['product_quantity_delivered'] = $value->product_quantity_delivered;
if($type == 'invoice' || $type == 'receipt') {
$i[$j]['price_without_tax']['item'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($price_without_tax['item'], '', $c);
$i[$j]['price_without_tax']['sum'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($price_without_tax['sum'], '', $c);
$i[$j]['price_tax']['sum'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($price_tax['sum'], '', $c);
$i[$j]['price_with_tax']['sum'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($price_with_tax['sum'], '', $c);
} else {
//$i[$j]['product_quantity_delivered'] = $value->product_quantity_delivered;
$i[$j]['remaining'] = $remaining;
$attribute = $value->product_attribute;
if(!empty($attribute)) {
$i[$j]['product_attribute'] = $value->product_attribute;
} else {
$i[$j]['product_attribute'] = '';
} //end foreach products
// Sumarize
if($type == 'invoice' || $type == 'receipt') {
$var = array('order_id' => $d['order_id']);
$dbmd = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbmd', $var);
// Add shipping costs to the fist delivery of the order
if($dbmd->delivery_id == $d['delivery_id']) {
$without_tax['shipping'] = $dbo->order_shipping;
$tax['shipping'] = $dbo->order_shipping_tax;
$with_tax['shipping'] = ($dbo->order_shipping + $dbo->order_shipping_tax);
if($dbo->order_discount < 0) {
$order_fee = abs($dbo->order_discount);
} else {
$order_fee = 0;
} else {
$without_tax['shipping'] = 0;
$tax['shipping'] = 0;
$with_tax['shipping'] = 0;
$order_fee = 0;
// find out what procentage of the order this delivery is
$var = array('order_id' => $d['order_id']);
$dbsd = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbsd', $var);
$order_value_procentage = $without_tax['item_total'] / $dbsd->order_subtotal;
$order_discount = 0;
if($dbo->order_discount > 0) {
$order_discount = $dbo->order_discount * $order_value_procentage;
$coupon_discount = 0;
if($dbo->coupon_discount > 0) {
$coupon_discount = $dbo->coupon_discount * $order_value_procentage;
$without_tax['final_price'] = $without_tax['item_total'] - $coupon_discount - $order_discount + $order_fee;
$tax_rate = abs($without_tax['item_total']/$with_tax['item_total']-1);
$tax['final_price'] = ($with_tax['item_total'] - $order_discount - $coupon_discount + $order_fee) * $tax_rate;
$tax['final_price_without_shipping'] = $tax['item_total'];
$tax['final_price'] += $tax['shipping'];
$with_tax['final_price'] = $with_tax['item_total'] - $coupon_discount - $order_discount + $order_fee;;
if($without_tax['final_price'] < 0) {$without_tax['final_price'] = 0;}
if($with_tax['final_price'] < 0) {$with_tax['final_price'] = 0;}
$without_tax['final_price'] += $without_tax['shipping'];
$with_tax['final_price'] += $with_tax['shipping'];
if($dbb->paid) {
$without_tax['to_pay'] = 0;
$with_tax['to_pay'] = 0;
} else {
$without_tax['to_pay'] = $without_tax['final_price'];
$with_tax['to_pay'] = $with_tax['final_price'];
$a['item_total'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($without_tax['item_total'], '', $c);
$a['final_price_without_shipping'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($tax['final_price_without_shipping'], '', $c);
$a['with_tax']['shipping'] = $with_tax['shipping'];
if($with_tax['shipping'] > 0) {
$a['without_tax']['shipping'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($without_tax['shipping'], '', $c);
$a['tax']['shipping'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($tax['shipping'], '', $c);
$a['coupon_discount'] = $coupon_discount;
if($coupon_discount > 0) {
$a['coupon_discount'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($coupon_discount, '', $c);
$a['order_discount'] = $order_discount;
if($order_discount > 0) {
$a['order_discount'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($order_discount, '', $c);
$a['order_fee'] = $order_fee;
if($order_fee > 0) {
$a['order_fee'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($order_fee, '', $c);
$a['with_tax']['final_price'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($with_tax['final_price'], '', $c);
$a['with_tax']['to_pay'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($with_tax['to_pay'], '', $c);
$a['css'] = $pluginP->get('css_site', '.tableitems{font-size:small;}
.topay{background-color: #f0f0f0;}
.obliterated{font-size:30pt; font-weight:bold; color:#777777; background-color: #ffc835;}');
if($dbb->is_invoice) {
} else {
$a['bill_id'] = sprintf("%08d", $dbb->bill_id);
if ($type == 'invoice') {
$output = PhocaPDFVirtueMartInvoice::getOutput($a, $i);
} else if ($type == 'receipt') {
$output = PhocaPDFVirtueMartReceipt::getOutput($a, $i);
} else {
$output = PhocaPDFVirtueMartDeliveryNote::getOutput($a, $i);
$outputArray['output'] = $output;
// PDF Document
$outputArray['title'] = $typeLabel;
$outputArray['subject'] = $typeLabel;
$outputArray['keywords'] = $typeLabel;
return $outputArray;
* Outupt Header
public function getOutputHeader($pluginParams, $staticData = array()) {
$lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
$lang->load('plg_phocapdf_virtuemart', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true);
$d = JRequest::get('request');
//Document is not rendered in browser, we need to get static data not set by request but by function
if(isset($staticData['order_id']) && (int)$staticData['order_id'] > 0) {
$d['order_id'] = (int)$staticData['order_id'];
if(isset($staticData['delivery_id']) && (int)$staticData['delivery_id'] > 0) {
$d['delivery_id'] = (int)$staticData['delivery_id'];
if (isset($staticData['type']) && $staticData['type'] != '') {
$d['type'] = $staticData['type'];
$check_items = array( "Delivery ID" => "delivery_id", "Order ID" => "order_id" );
if( !PhocaPDFVirtueMartPdfOutput::exists_and_is_numeric( $check_items, $d ) ) { return '<p>Error - Wrong delivery id or order id parameters</p>';}
$dbv = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbv');
$var = array('order_id' => $d['order_id']);
$dbo = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbo', $var);
$user_id = $dbo->user_id;
// Get names of extra fields
$var = array('extra_field' => 'extra_field_1');
$dbuf1 = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbuf', $var);
$var = array('extra_field' => 'extra_field_2');;
$dbuf2 = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbuf', $var);
$var = array('delivery_id' => $d['delivery_id']);
$dbb = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbb', $var);
// Billing adress check state
$var = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'order_id' => $d['order_id'], 'address_type' => 'BT');
$dbstate= PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbstate', $var);
if ($dbstate->state == " - " OR $dbstate->state == "-" OR $dbstate->state == "") {
// Billing adress without state;
$var = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'order_id' => $d['order_id'], 'address_type' => 'BT');
$dbbt = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbt1', $var);
} else {
//Billing adress with state
$var = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'order_id' => $d['order_id'], 'address_type' => 'BT');
$dbbt = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbt2', $var);
//Shipment address check addres type st
$var = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'order_id' => $d['order_id'], 'address_type' => 'ST');
$dbstateo= PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbstateo', $var);
if ((isset($dbstateo->order_info_id) && $dbstateo->order_info_id == "" ) || !isset($dbstateo->order_info_id)) {$chckst = "BT";} else {$chckst = "ST";}
//Shipment address check state
$var = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'order_id' => $d['order_id'], 'address_type' => $chckst);
$dbstate= PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbstate', $var);
if ($dbstate->state == " - " OR $dbstate->state == "-" OR $dbstate->state == "") {
// Shipment adress without state;
$var = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'order_id' => $d['order_id'], 'address_type' => $chckst);
$dbst = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbt1', $var);
} else {
// Shipment adress with state
$var = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'order_id' => $d['order_id'], 'address_type' => $chckst);
$dbst = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbt2', $var);
if($dbb->is_invoice == '1' && $d['type'] == 'invoice') {
$type = 'invoice';
$a['title'] = JText::_('PLG_PHOCAPDF_VM_INVOICE');
} else if($dbb->is_invoice == '0' && $d['type'] == 'receipt') {
$type = 'receipt';
$a['title'] = JText::_('PLG_PHOCAPDF_VM_RECEIPT');
} else {
$type = 'deliverynote';
$a['title'] = JText::_('PLG_PHOCAPDF_VM_DELNOTE');
// - - - - - - - - - - -
// - - - - - - - - - - -
//$a['logo'] = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS
// . 'shop_image' . DS . 'vendor' . DS . $dbv->vendor_full_image;
$a['logo'] = 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS
. 'shop_image' . DS . 'vendor' . DS . $dbv->vendor_full_image;
$details = explode( "|", $dbo->ship_method_id );
$a['stcountry'] = '';
if ($dbv->vendor_country != $dbst->country) {$a['stcountry'] = $dbst->country;}
$a['btcountry'] = '';
if($dbv->vendor_country != $dbbt->country) {$a['btcountry'] = $dbbt->country;}
$a['bill_id'] = sprintf("%08d", $dbb->bill_id);
$a['order_id'] = sprintf("%08d",$dbo->order_id);
$a['delivery_id'] = sprintf("%08d",$d['delivery_id']);
$a['bill_date'] = $dbb->bill_date;
$a['order_date'] = $dbo->order_date;
$a['bill_due'] = $dbb->bill_due;
$a['s_company'] = $dbst->company;//IF
$a['s_first_name'] = $dbst->first_name;
$a['s_middle_name'] = ' '.$dbst->middle_name;
$a['s_last_name'] = ' '.$dbst->last_name;
$a['s_address_1'] = $dbst->address_1;
$a['s_address_2'] = $dbst->address_2;//IF
$a['s_zip'] = $dbst->zip;
$a['s_city'] = $dbst->city;
$a['s_state'] = $dbst->state;//IF
$a['b_company'] = $dbbt->company;//IF
$a['b_first_name'] = $dbbt->first_name;
$a['b_middle_name'] = ' '.$dbbt->middle_name;
$a['b_last_name'] = ' '.$dbbt->last_name;
$a['b_address_1'] = $dbbt->address_1;
$a['b_address_2'] = $dbbt->address_2;//IF
$a['b_zip'] = $dbbt->zip;
$a['b_city'] = $dbbt->city;
$a['b_state'] = $dbbt->state;//IF
// Maybe extra_field will be vm_extra_field in next versions of VM
$a['l_extra_field_1'] = '';
if (isset($dbuf1->title)) {$a['l_extra_field_1'] = $dbuf1->title;}
$a['l_extra_field_2'] = '';
if (isset($dbuf2->title)) {$a['l_extra_field_2'] = $dbuf2->title;}
$a['extra_field_1'] = $dbbt->extra_field_1;
$a['extra_field_2'] = $dbbt->extra_field_2;
if ($a['l_extra_field_1'] == '') {
$a['l_extra_field_1'] = JText::_('PLG_PHOCAPDF_VM_FORM_EXTRA_FIELD_1');
} else {
$a['l_extra_field_1'] = JText::_($a['l_extra_field_1']);
if ($a['l_extra_field_2'] == '') {
$a['l_extra_field_2'] = JText::_('PLG_PHOCAPDF_VM_FORM_EXTRA_FIELD_2');
} else {
$a['l_extra_field_2'] = JText::_($a['l_extra_field_2']);
$a['details_1'] = '';
if (isset($details[1])) {$a['details_1'] = $details[1];}
$a['details_2'] = '';
if (isset($details[2])) {$a['details_2'] = $details[2];}
$a['due_date'] = $dbb->due_date;
if ($dbb->paid == 0) {
$a['delay_interest'] = $dbb->delay_interest . '% ';
} else {
$a['delay_interest'] = '-';
$a['delay_interest'] = $dbb->delay_interest;
$a['css'] = $pluginParams->get('css_header', '.tableitemstable {}
.tableitemshead { font-size:6pt; border: 2px solid #ffffff; background-color: #f0f0f0;}
.documenttitle {font-size:xx-large;background-color: #f0f0f0;}
.shipmentaddress{background-color: #f0f0f0;}
.billingaddress{background-color: #f0f0f0;}
.vendorfooter{background-color: #f0f0f0;}');
if ($type == 'invoice') {
$output = PhocaPDFVirtueMartInvoice::getOutputHeader($a);
} else if ($type == 'receipt') {
$output = PhocaPDFVirtueMartReceipt::getOutputHeader($a);
} else {
$output = PhocaPDFVirtueMartDeliveryNote::getOutputHeader($a);
return $output;
* Outupt Footer
public function getOutputFooter($pluginParams, $staticData = array()) {
$lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
$lang->load('plg_phocapdf_virtuemart', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true);
$d = JRequest::get('request');
//Document is not rendered in browser, we need to get static data not set by request but by function
if(isset($staticData['order_id']) && (int)$staticData['order_id'] > 0) {
$d['order_id'] = (int)$staticData['order_id'];
if(isset($staticData['delivery_id']) && (int)$staticData['delivery_id'] > 0) {
$d['delivery_id'] = (int)$staticData['delivery_id'];
if (isset($staticData['type']) && $staticData['type'] != '') {
$d['type'] = $staticData['type'];
$var = array('delivery_id' => $d['delivery_id']);
$dbb = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbb', $var);
if($dbb->is_invoice == '1' && $d['type'] == 'invoice') {
$type = 'invoice';
$typeLabel = JText::_('PLG_PHOCAPDF_VM_INVOICE');
} else if($dbb->is_invoice == '0' && $d['type'] == 'receipt') {
$type = 'receipt';
$typeLabel = JText::_('PLG_PHOCAPDF_VM_RECEIPT');
} else {
$type = 'deliverynote';
$typeLabel = JText::_('PLG_PHOCAPDF_VM_DELNOTE');
$dbv = PhocaPDFVirtueMartHelper::dbQ('dbv');
$a['vcountry'] = '';
if($dbv->vendor_country) {$a['vcountry']= $dbv->vendor_country;}
$a['vstate'] = '';
if($dbv->vendor_state) {$a['vstate'] = $dbv->vendor_state;}
$a['vendor_store_name'] = $dbv->vendor_store_name;
$a['contact_phone_1'] = $dbv->contact_phone_1;
$a['vendor_address_1'] = $dbv->vendor_address_1;
$a['contact_email'] = $dbv->contact_email;
$a['vendor_zip'] = $dbv->vendor_zip;
$a['vendor_city'] = $dbv->vendor_city;
$a['internet'] = JURI::root();
$a['css'] = $pluginParams->get('css_footer', '.vendorfooter {background-color: #f0f0f0;}');
if ($type == 'invoice') {
$output = PhocaPDFVirtueMartInvoice::getOutputFooter($a);
} else if ($type == 'receipt') {
$output = PhocaPDFVirtueMartReceipt::getOutputFooter($a);
} else {
$output = PhocaPDFVirtueMartDeliveryNote::getOutputFooter($a);
return $output;
* name: exists_and_is_numeric
* created by: ingemar
* description: Checks an array of items if they exists and is numeric
* parameters: Array of names and keys, Data
* returns:
function exists_and_is_numeric( $check, &$d ) {
foreach( $check as $key => $value ) {
if( isset( $d[$value] ) && !is_numeric( $d[$value] ) ) {
$d["error"] = 'The '.$key.' '.$d[$value].' is not valid.';
return False;
elseif( !isset( $d[$value] ) ) {
$d["error"] = 'Missing '.$key;
return False;
return True;