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Cherry Bomb

Re: new ct?
I have no idea why I (just a scrapper who learned so much here) am even responding to your posts except that I feel sad and betrayed for those on the CT who have worked diligently to promote ACOT. My heart is with you all. I just hope to find y'all out in Cyberland so that I can continue to grow as a digital scrapper. I will miss you and your work. I will miss the fun... Thank you, once again, to all of you (past and present)...
Lori aka "Mima"
Cherish Every Moment; Then Scrap Each One!
Sweet Spot Designs!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: new ct?
yes Carrie, you're right about being completely caught off guard when this was announced. I never, never saw it coming! And I have read many people mentioning that a heads up, or nicer way of breaking the news, a little forewarning... it would have been nice to have. Now I take a rational step back and think about how exactly I would break the shocking news without it being, well, shocking. I cannot think of a way that ACOT could have done it. I wonder that they didn't slip it to the CT early because they wanted all members to have the knowledge equally. Or maybe they feared the CT in it's already fragile state could have lashed out and caused more upheavel. I am not the powers that be so I can only guess as if I were in that position. The simple fact is, it is a shock to everyone but we choose how we react to it. The community is poisoned with bitterness and I just wish everyone would stop the shoulda-woulda's and accept what IS.
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Cherry Bing

Re: new ct?
MamaK321 wrote:yes Carrie, you're right about being completely caught off guard when this was announced. I never, never saw it coming! And I have read many people mentioning that a heads up, or nicer way of breaking the news, a little forewarning... it would have been nice to have. Now I take a rational step back and think about how exactly I would break the shocking news without it being, well, shocking. I cannot think of a way that ACOT could have done it. I wonder that they didn't slip it to the CT early because they wanted all members to have the knowledge equally. Or maybe they feared the CT in it's already fragile state could have lashed out and caused more upheavel. I am not the powers that be so I can only guess as if I were in that position. The simple fact is, it is a shock to everyone but we choose how we react to it. The community is poisoned with bitterness and I just wish everyone would stop the shoulda-woulda's and accept what IS.

Just accept it even if it's wrong? And that there is the problem. Because for so long, people just accepted what is instead of speaking up when something was wrong.

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: new ct?
I haven't been on the CT in years, so I can't speak to issues that have been going on for the past several months, whatever they may be. I, too, hate confrontation. I usually keep my mouth shut and back away from topics like this and head to the gallery, or even better, make a new layout. But I had to add my two cents. I do have to agree with Kristi, Heidi, and Kristin that ACOT has contracted out services for YEARS. I was one of them back in '05ish and we also had a monthly columnist. However, we were both active on the MB and part of the community, but there were individuals that were brought in to help with tutorials and write articles that weren't in the 'family of the MB' so to speak. They were necessary, not everyone can do everything. If ACOT has been having these ladies for several months as they say, they should be promoting them more on the MB so this wasn't such an unexpected surprise. Suzie Crafter creates some beautiful things and sounds genuinely excited about whatever her role is...if I were her and came to the MB right now, I could probably wrap myself in a ball and cry. While I may not agree with how it was presented, change must occur or things become stagnant, and ACOT must continue to compete. ACOT has always been paper FIRST, it is its bread and butter and Designers like Suzie Crafter can help sell those products. I looked at her blog, and while I oohed and ahhed, I couldn't connect. I tell stories, record memories and I didn't see any of that...just beautiful things beautifully made so hopefully she'll inspire many people here who will buy the products she uses in whatever capacity she'll be used by ACOT. It's the entire purpose of a CT/DT, guest or permanent, whatever you want to call it. What concerns me most is the Designers they already the Digital store! Some are exclusive to ACOT and I've never believed that "negative press is still press" motto. ACOT's reputation in the digital arena was damaged almost as soon as it opened its doors and some vowed never to come here because of that early atmosphere. It seems like paper and digital play more nicely today, so that's a relief! I'm not trying to bring up old business, but for those exclusive designers or new designers, like Egle, they need a community that will support them too, not just paper products. I hope all of you digi ladies will throw your hat in the Guest Designer Call and show them what you've got. Just because its a different medium, doesn't make it any less worthy. Hopefully those designers without a CT will get one quickly or I fear that digital will fall by the wayside even more and good digital designers will leave ACOT! That is the absolute last thing I would want to see. Helping ACOT open the digital store was a labor or love and I've always felt it was my third "baby" and will always defend it and the ladies who took a chance and gave it a try!
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Cherry Cola

Re: new ct?
I have read every post on this thread. At least thirteen times. No, fourteen. Probably sixteen times. I think back over the last month's events -- and especially this post -- and ask myself how we could have approached 'this' differently. To have upset and hurt those we appreciate and love the most is what really sucks. I'm very sorry.

I could comment on each post, but that is not my intent. I think it's ok for you to vent. I've learned a long time ago not to take things personally. But sooner or later it's time to get the facts straight, a little bit of the telephone game thing appears to be going on here ...

The bottom line is that there was no good time to announce our creative team change. Announce too soon -- it would take away from our current Creative Team. Announce too late and it would seem as if we were hiding something. There's more, but that's the short of it.

Our current Creative Team's 6 month assignment is expiring. Instead of renewing their contract and having a 'team' we will be having individual Guests designing for us. Yes, it is a different approach. We hope some of our current CT-ers will consider Guesting for us, as well as some of the talented ladies from our message board community.

We have been and will continue to be contracting for additional videos, tutorials and such to help promote ACOT.

Once again, the facts:

1. ACOT is will be featuring various Guest Designers to challenge, teach and inspire us
2. ACOT will continue to contract for videos/tutorials

As for who is going to do crops and contests and additional challenges and digi and whew, all the rest of it, well we'll let you know when WE get it all figured out. Or I should say, AS we figure it out.

Maybe I'm naive, but i'd like to think of our MB as Our Team. You've come together to console each other, to cheer each other on, to inspire, befriend, and encourage. And you've been there for us, even in the difficult times. Thank you.

** I'll put in a plug here for our talented CT ladies. Wow. I've always respected and admired your work. Perhaps jealous as well - I can't do what you can. Through the years we've had some of the greatest, talented CT ladies teach us, inspire us, challenge us and cheer us on for the love our craft. Our CT consisted of paper/digi/hybrid talent. We've always prided ourselves that you, and all the past CT ladies, have different styles to meet all of our creative demands. Bravo to you. You know what it's like to burn the midnight oil to meet your deadline. You know how frustrating it is to write up an article only to have Writer crash. You know what it's like to host an hour (or three) at our crops. Some of you have experienced friendships that will last a lifetime. Thousands of miles wouldn't keep you from some of the friends you've made. Some of you are still here, some have moved on. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with the rest of us. We will never be the same.

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Wild Cherry

Re: new ct?
I am sooooooooooooooooooo sitting on my hands, Kristianne.
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Cherry Crush

Re: new ct?
I would like to say that I really appreciate your post. As I said before, it is not our business, so we can't say how to handle it. Yes, we have some hurt feelings, and like anything, those will pass with time and some positivity. I do want ACOT to thrive and continue to be a wonderful community. I will miss the "way we used to be," but nothing stays the same for long. I hope everyone will give the change a chance. I remember when the whole format of the board changed and there was alot of stress and grumbling and some people couldn't take it and left, but those of us who stayed found that it was new and improved, and that we can still enjoy being here, and I hope that will happen now. I have thoroughly enjoyed being on the CT and I thank you for the honor and for all you have given me. I would never have learned digi if it weren't for this site, and I want to be here to see it continue to grow and thrive!
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Cherry Addict

Re: new ct?
Laura, it is my turn to agree with you now :)

Kristin, your post reminds me of why I grew to love this board. You are not just some nameless face that sits behind a desk but someone that we all "know" thru either the message board or your Kristin's desk emails...makes acot a much more personable place than a place where there are tons of people online but most don't know each other or care for each other the way the cherries here do.

I know it will not take away the hurt or the feelings of betrayal that some are experiencing but hopefully it is a step in the right direction.

It is YOUR place and ultimately we all know that---I think and that is a big "think" here, that maybe if it was all brought out in the open like your post above without all the the hints of what was to come it might have made the transistion easier...the way it was all found out is what I think most people are upset with...but again that is jmo.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: new ct?
handerful wrote:
heidi wrote:Woahhh Nelly!

We've asked a handful of crafters to do special videos for us - LilSweetPea, Kerry from Kerry's Paper Crafts are just a couple who have been doing this for us since early fall of last year. I'm surprised it wasn't noticed before. We'll continue to add interesting video projects from various sources in the future. We're happy to add Suzie to that list and I really appreciate her excitement.

Don't let the usage of the common Design Team term Suzie used cause an issue. Suzie does a great job with her videos! Hopefully, this is just another avenue of inspiration. ACOT's decision to no longer have a CT still remains and hasn't changed.

We're also excited to have the ACOT Guest Designer call! I know I heard from many of you who were worried we would no longer have a Guest every month. We're looking forward to seeing all of your submissions and hope you have fun with it!

Hi, Heidi -

Please only take this as the view from where I sit. I think some of the regular community members are suspicious about what is going on because of the way things have been announced. We know you are excited about all the changes you have planned, but the timeliness of your announcements and the lack of details of what is up your sleev have caused some speculations to go on. Without information, that's all there is to go on. Speculations. We are a creative bunch with big imaginations and imaginations can run wild. Whether right or wrong, we do take ownership of the community that is here. People are just trying to make sense of what is going on and how your mysterious changes will effect (what I thought) the good thing we had going here.

I agree handerful. I do not understand what may or may not be going on here, but I have to, at least for now trust what Heidi says. Maybe that is naive on my part, but I would hate to think a site that has been loved by so many could or would be so deceitful and underhanded. So I am hoping for the best!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: new ct?
After reading Kristin's post - I am hopeful that maybe this will all turn out ok in the end...

I'm going to give it a chance...
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: new ct?
Lindsay wrote:I haven't been on the CT in years, so I can't speak to issues that have been going on for the past several months, whatever they may be. I, too, hate confrontation. I usually keep my mouth shut and back away from topics like this and head to the gallery, or even better, make a new layout. But I had to add my two cents. I do have to agree with Kristi, Heidi, and Kristin that ACOT has contracted out services for YEARS. I was one of them back in '05ish and we also had a monthly columnist. However, we were both active on the MB and part of the community, but there were individuals that were brought in to help with tutorials and write articles that weren't in the 'family of the MB' so to speak. They were necessary, not everyone can do everything. If ACOT has been having these ladies for several months as they say, they should be promoting them more on the MB so this wasn't such an unexpected surprise. Suzie Crafter creates some beautiful things and sounds genuinely excited about whatever her role is...if I were her and came to the MB right now, I could probably wrap myself in a ball and cry. While I may not agree with how it was presented, change must occur or things become stagnant, and ACOT must continue to compete. ACOT has always been paper FIRST, it is its bread and butter and Designers like Suzie Crafter can help sell those products. I looked at her blog, and while I oohed and ahhed, I couldn't connect. I tell stories, record memories and I didn't see any of that...just beautiful things beautifully made so hopefully she'll inspire many people here who will buy the products she uses in whatever capacity she'll be used by ACOT. It's the entire purpose of a CT/DT, guest or permanent, whatever you want to call it. What concerns me most is the Designers they already the Digital store! Some are exclusive to ACOT and I've never believed that "negative press is still press" motto. ACOT's reputation in the digital arena was damaged almost as soon as it opened its doors and some vowed never to come here because of that early atmosphere. It seems like paper and digital play more nicely today, so that's a relief! I'm not trying to bring up old business, but for those exclusive designers or new designers, like Egle, they need a community that will support them too, not just paper products. I hope all of you digi ladies will throw your hat in the Guest Designer Call and show them what you've got. Just because its a different medium, doesn't make it any less worthy. Hopefully those designers without a CT will get one quickly or I fear that digital will fall by the wayside even more and good digital designers will leave ACOT! That is the absolute last thing I would want to see. Helping ACOT open the digital store was a labor or love and I've always felt it was my third "baby" and will always defend it and the ladies who took a chance and gave it a try!

Thank you, Lindsey!! You worded this all so well.

I agree that change is hard, but I strongly agree with what ACOT is doing. Change is inevitable and we just have to adjust. These changes are not meant to hurt us, but to make this community even better! And ACOT truly is one of the best scrapbooking sites I have been apart of. True, I am more of a digi scrapper, but my experiences with other stores/communities were never as great as things are here! ACOT has been my first digi home for years. Even after I took a year long break, I missed it so much and was thrilled that they would take me back. I love selling my digi products here. I kind of fear the future of digi, but I am hoping some of the talented digi scrappers here can apply to guest ct. :winkb:

I too am touched that Kristin posted in this thread to let us know that she is listening and really does care!!! That was all that I needed to hear to know that ACOT will remain the BEST!!!!
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Wild Cherry

Re: new ct?
MimaScraps wrote:I have no idea why I (just a scrapper who learned so much here) am even responding to your posts except that I feel sad and betrayed for those on the CT who have worked diligently to promote ACOT. My heart is with you all. I just hope to find y'all out in Cyberland so that I can continue to grow as a digital scrapper. I will miss you and your work. I will miss the fun... Thank you, once again, to all of you (past and present)...
lol...facebook me :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: new ct?
MamaK321 wrote:...thinking how to respond.
I'm sad to see so much distrust and lashing out from the ACOT community.
Hey, I'm one of those that you would say "got dumped" from the CT. I'll be honest and say my initial reaction was shock. I couldn't speak. I have been in this game for so long, I was wondering what I'm going to do? This IS what I do. But then things became clearer and I do not have hate in my heart because I know ACOT didn't do this as a personal attack. They are doing this from a business point of view. When you think about the fact that ACOT has had a Creative Team for 10 years, maybe this "drastic" change doesn't seem so unspeakable. I can believe that from the business standpoint, they realized the need to change the way products are promoted and the CT has run it's course, aged gracefully and is being appreciatively let go. We (the CT) did get to finish out the month, utilize our CT perks and will still have the pleasure of having our works published online.

ACOT has been contracting Designers for years, there just hasn't been much continual emphasis put on promoting it, nor a strong response from artists to provide articles. When I heard the news about ACOT disbanding their Creative Team, I wondered how would they continue to promote product sales. It wasn't hard to reason that with the style of product reveal ACOT has been using, contracting out to individual designers would be the best way to go. Contracting Designers means ACOT can compensate artists for individual articles. There is no team structure, no long term contract necessary, contact is between ACOT and that designer alone and ACOT is guaranteed quality work. These Designers can be artists from our own community, from manufacturer teams, or new faces from the many crafting sites across the web.

A few people mentioned that they don't feel comfortable at this site any longer.... but what I see going on is the group mentality taking over. There is so much negativity. And to my fellow CT ladies... we are supposed to be supportive of ACOT, not help tear it down with barbed words. One very wise member said that the CT is like the face and voice of ACOT itself. I plan to embody that description until March 1 when I will sadly remove the Creative Team logo from my signature.

I hope you (whomever is reading) will curb the negativity and distrust you are feeling. Don't take ACOT's actions as a personal insult. Understand that they are first and foremost a business and trust that they know how to run it as they have been doing for many many years with great success. Don't doubt something that you do not yet see. Give it a chance. Have a little faith. I won't give up on ACOT, my home, for something so trivial. This is not the first time ACOT has experienced such strong backlash and I dare say it won't be the last. In two months it will be nearly forgotten. Give it time. and a little faith.

THANK YOU Kristianne!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: new ct?
4peasinourpod wrote:
SarahA wrote:I am the type of person who avoids confrontation at all costs and would rather sit back and not say anything instead of taking a side. I've tried typing a response several times and I really don't know what to say, except that I am pretty disappointed today.

I LOVED every one of the CT. I respect you. I respect those that are outspoken. I have realized today that I have just lost a home.

I respect that there is a lot more involved for former CT members than the rest of us here. However, if you loved and respected CT members, don't you still do that? They're obviously not behind the stuff that's difficult for you right now. If your fellow CT and the rest of the board members were what made it home to you, that doesn't have to change.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: new ct?
Kristin, thanks for posting your thoughts. I have been on this board almost since it's started. I have seen lots of changes come and go, and while I know lots of people have been hurt by the decisions that have been made recently, I'm looking forward to what the future holds.

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: new ct?
Ok, finally made it through all the posts! Wow. I'm not afraid of confrontation so here goes...

As Kristianne said, what is upsetting me the most right now is all the 'I'm offended/sad/mad and jumping ship' posts from this community. THAT offends and hurts me much more than what TPTB (The Powers That Be) have done. I have been a part of many message boards over the years and (as has been stated & appreciated here over the years) this has been the only one that's relatively drama-free. That's because of the PEOPLE -people who love scrapping and want product & inspiration but also who care about each other (and lately I've been a little 'disappointed' that's been the focus of the board, lol - there's a lot more "what did you have for lunch?" type posts than "here's my latest page & I'm really excited about this thing I did on it - what about you?" type posts, but how can I complain about a loving community?! ;) )

Obviously that just changed. I'm hearing "'TPTB' aren't who I thought they were" but I'm FEELING that many of you aren't who I thought you were. Yes there have always been those who complain about the smallest change and some who jump ship over it, but there are a lot of us who've stuck it out because most of the things we love are still here - awesome product lines, great combination of paper/digi/hybrid (so many of us have ventured into digi because of this board!), Challenges, inspiration in the Gallery from many styles of scrappers, and a message board filled with a great community. Right now I can't vouch for the last point (other than the... at least 4-5 of us, from reading this thread, who are definitely staying) but the rest aren't going anywhere!! I think for many people the caring community is what sets apart this place from others - and TPTB have not in general been a part of that, so why are their ASSUMED actions automatically a part of it now? I don't chat w/them, I don't see their pages. The rest of you are who really matter to me, and, I thought, to most everyone. (CT present & past, I do realize things are different for you but as a scrapper and board member hopefully you can see my point as well.)

I believe what TPTB have said about always using non-permanent designers. I've participated in chats with product manufacturers and seen classes by people who aren't involved in the board. Perhaps the recent changes to board layout make some visit the Articles more now and that's why this hasn't been noticed in the past. But, it is a FACT that this is not new. Yes, poor Suzy Crafter is possibly misinformed and using terminology that means different things to her than it does to us. But again she is not permanent, and using guests like this is not new so all the feather-ruffling over the "timing" is misplaced.

So... Kristianne, I, and a few others at least will be sticking around and I for one am terribly excited to apply for Guest CT! I've been volunteering for months to help submit challenges and have mentioned over the years that I would enjoy hosting a shift during a crop. Now may be my chance. Hopefully tons of others will take a step back and realize that most of what you love about ACOT as your home is not changing and we can continue to support and inspire one another. I will only leave if the numbers fall to the point where that doesn't happen. I have been disappointed to see past CT not continue here but their stuff's still in the Gallery so I can always go back to it. I love having everything in one place as my life is fragmented enough without trying to visit 20 blogs and Facebook pages to get my scrappy inspiration.

I want to thank TPTB for being honest with us and state that I believe you, for what it's worth. {{Hugs}} to those that are hurting but WE make this message board and WE can continue to make it wonderful!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: new ct?
Well said, PezKat.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: new ct?
I'm not much of one to comment on stuff like this - but I thought since I've been CT I'd just give in my two cents as well. :)

Yes, as all the others, I was shocked when they announced the CT would no longer be active, and yes it hurts, but in the end, I do believe that it's nothing personal, it's only business. A change needed to be made, and so it has. Only the future will tell us if this is a good or bad move for ACOT, but I, for one, will still be around to see the site move on. This has been my scrappy home since I pretty much started scrapbooking, and I hope to keep it that way. The ACOT staff has been nothing but generous to me (and all CT) in our reveals and such, and I feel like we all did a wonderful job of promoting the site, and that is what i was CT for, to promote the site. So if something is not working - sales low or such - than a change is indeed needed, and hopefully, for ACOT, this is the change that will work for them.

I just wanted to say that I love ACOT still, and have never had any problem with staff or CT (that I know of, haha!) and you guys will be sure to see my digi works and chatter here still! And I hope I'll still see a lot of you around too... otherwise I'll be talking to myself! ;) haha!
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Cherry Addict

Re: new ct?
sarahwhithers wrote:I'm not much of one to comment on stuff like this - but I thought since I've been CT I'd just give in my two cents as well. :)

Yes, as all the others, I was shocked when they announced the CT would no longer be active, and yes it hurts, but in the end, I do believe that it's nothing personal, it's only business. A change needed to be made, and so it has. Only the future will tell us if this is a good or bad move for ACOT, but I, for one, will still be around to see the site move on. This has been my scrappy home since I pretty much started scrapbooking, and I hope to keep it that way. The ACOT staff has been nothing but generous to me (and all CT) in our reveals and such, and I feel like we all did a wonderful job of promoting the site, and that is what i was CT for, to promote the site. So if something is not working - sales low or such - than a change is indeed needed, and hopefully, for ACOT, this is the change that will work for them.

I just wanted to say that I love ACOT still, and have never had any problem with staff or CT (that I know of, haha!) and you guys will be sure to see my digi works and chatter here still! And I hope I'll still see a lot of you around too... otherwise I'll be talking to myself! ;) haha!'ll be talking to me, if I'm still welcome here. I think I personally just needed to know that I wasn't alone in feeling throw by things. But thru good and bad in my own life, ACOT (both staff and scrappers) have truly been there for me, supporting me and encouraging me. And after all, where else can you be approached by the owner of a company that literally serves people around the world at a middle school orchestra concert and be congratulated on your marriage? Thanks Kristin....I'm staying, and while I may have a little trepidation about what is coming down the pike, we're family here, and you don't give up on family!
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Picker

Re: new ct?
I am another Designer who feels very sad with the dissolution of the digi CT. My creative team has been very small and I have been terrifically grateful for any help I got from the site CT. It is obvious, based on the requirements for "guest designers", that digi is not being considered at all. Yet, the commission for services required by ACOT is the same. It is the same, even though ACOT, with this dissolution of the Creative Team, seems to have alienated customers who are talking about not hanging out here anymore. This is so sad, but then, the price of coffee is up and the price of milk and the price of gasoline, and so on. And where the price hasn't risen, the packaging has gotten smaller, 7 ounces instead of 10 ounces, for the same price. I am going to take it on myself to tell the digi customers that if you do NOT hang out here any more, it is not primarily ACOT you're hurting. It is the digi designers and many of us are already feeling a bit bruised. I will confess that my sales this month are lower than they've been in more than a year and I think this upset has contributed to it.

Nevertheless, I have a choice, as we all do. We hang in and ride this thing out, or we move on. I, for one, intend to hang on.

For those who are scrappers, let's face it. It is the PEOPLE of the Creative Team and the PEOPLE who frequent these boards who made this place what it has been. As long as the PEOPLE are still here, there is potential for this to continue to be a home for us. If you are a paper scrapper and you relied on the creative team for inspiration, try dropping by the digi gallery. You may not see paper products in use, but you will see creatively made layouts with ideas that are certainly adaptable to your paper layouts. There may no longer be a digi CT but there are designer's CT members who do a great job of scrapping and who are more than capable of inspiring you!!!!!!!
Proudly creating for Bella Gypsy Designs

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