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A Cherry on Top

The Help
Image Just started it! Quite interesting and everyone so far who HAS read it... has given excellent reviews!
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Cherry Cola

Re: The Help
I still haven't read this yet. It was supposed to be read for my book club but I didn't get around to reading it. I then had to return it to the library and now there is a ton of holds on it. Everyone says it's a great book. I guess I will buy the book on my summer vacation.
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Cherry Picker

Re: The Help
It was a great book. I could hardly put it down. Everyone needs to read it!
Independent Close to My Heart Consultant
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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: The Help
I read this book while on vacation! It is superb! I finished it in 4 days; I just couldn't put it down! Really an eye opening read. You may think you know, but you just don't really when it comes to the topics discussed in this book. READ IT TODAY!! The movie comes out in a month!
Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: The Help
I heard about this book from a friend of mine on FB a few weeks ago. She said "I guess it must be good, since there are 27 holds on it at the library." I bought it at B&N online yesterday when they had their NY Times Bestsellers on sale for half price. My boss read it and said it is wonderful!
The only good addict is an alpha addict!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: The Help
This is one of my faves! I've read it twice and just bought a copy for my mom last weekend. (she can't have mine LOL)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: The Help
I got this on my Kindle last week, but haven't started it yet. I should really do that tonight!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: The Help
I ordered it from amazon, waiting for it to get here.
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Cherry Bing

Re: The Help
I read it and loved it. I bought it on my Nook. I wish it was a lendme book so I could pass it around. I've heard the movie is just as great.
Live, Love and Create
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: The Help
A truly excellent book. I read it last year--before there was news of a movie being made. I've really glad I read it first. They did a wonderful job with the movie, but there is so much more depth in the book. I recommend this book to everyone!
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Cherry Bing

Re: The Help
I too loved the book. I went with a friend to see the movie..and we both feel that they kept it pretty true to the book....OMG the part with the toilets is too funny when you see it on the screen.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: The Help
my friend saw the movie and then bought the book and stayed up all night reading it - I guess it's very good

I still haven't purchased it - hoping to get a gift card from B&N for Christmas so I can get it on my nook. I have over 120 on there now and need to get reading. I subscribe to cheap e reads on facebook and now I"m always downloading.
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Cherry Tart

Re: The Help
I am a very avid reader and I just couldn't get into this book. I found it really slowwwwww and I wasn't thrilled with her style of writing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: The Help
I read this book over the summer and found it perfect for a slow, humid day. This book is not a fast mover, but more of a descriptive narrative. Not a lot of action at all. But I found it very interesting to see how used to view other races. And how some of that holds over to today. But not just white toward black, but black towards white. Whoever has prejudice is crippled by it. It is an ugly emotion. But the truth of it is is that we all have some prejudice about something. And we must stive to overcome it; to be lovers and acceping of all others.
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Wild Cherry

Re: The Help
It is really good. The movie does a good job with it as well. I hope you like it!

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