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Cherry Addict

Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 Tools(punches, scissors etc) and Magazine Idea book storage!!

My tool organization is "eh" Organized but nothing fancy for sure. and I don't save my mags. I cut out pics that I like and put them into a notebook, so no picture there.

SOOOOOO I am counting on you guys to show me what YOU got. Either redoing what you have or showing us what you already have and LOVE. The fairy has itchy fingers this week. LOL
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
I sort my punches and tools like you, Sus and I feel the same way as you, eh... except I don't even have the drawers labeled :(

I also do not keep my magazines but pull the layouts, ideas out and put them in a page protector, in a 3 ring binder by theme.

I'll try and take some pictures tonight and post :)
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Cherry Addict

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 oh, this is the one I really need to address!  thank you  :-D 
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Jeanne Marie's Scraps

Digital Designers

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 My tools really need sorted can't wait to get this one done
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 I have a cart similar for punches, adhesives and other tools.  Will get my pictures up possibly tomorrow evening.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 Mine is easy, simple but accessible!! I'll pic and post tomorrow!
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 I think I need more tools!  Mine just go in my toolbox thing....
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 Well it ain't pretty, but it works and I'm keeping it!! lol
I haaave to know where everything is when I'm scrapping so this is simple and easy to find things. I can see all of my items and since I tidy up between projects it is super easy to just toss things in the right spots.

This is my right hand man. I can't imagine trying to scrap with out this at my elbow. And you can see that my trimmer and scrap bin are on the left and my atg is below - easy peasy and right on hand!!

And I don't have many magazines so this works just fine for me.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 I am on vacation this week!  We get back late Sunday night so I will have to scramble quick to do pictures!!! :bluelol:
My main tools are in two different stations.  One is from Pampered Chef and is supposed to turn and hold cooking utensils, but I have scrapping things in there.  The other is similar, but I can't remember it's name --it is a paint can on a small turntable and in the paint can is a divider that sits inside the can and hangs over the edges with lots of pockets!!  Really love that one and I take it to crops very easily.  My punches are in a clear plastic box that I can see through and use as needed.  I keep magazines for one year and then sell them in a garage sale, so I just cleaned those out in June!
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
My tools are organized in a wide assortment of things. I'm gonna have to come back with the info. I'll be back. Busy busy today.
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 I love my tool bag.  It holds my most often used tools and sits by my table.




Magazines and Idea Books  I only keep a years worth, then go through tear out articles and ideas and put in a binder.

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 I have my punches in the creative memories cases

And this small cabinet is on my table and this is the stuff that I use just about everyday.

As for my magazines, I have drawers from IKEA that I keep them in.
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
Here are the photos of my punches and also how I organize all of the layouts/techniques, etc. I cut out of magazines:

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Jeanne Marie's Scraps

Digital Designers

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 well theres no great before and after pics I really like how my tools are right in reach i use a locker shelf thing that my dd discarded last year to keep most of my stuff at hand and then I hung my shaped siccors up and all my punches are on a shelf beside my scrap space. I just clip or print out the layout ideals i want to keep out of mags and place them in my ideal book. and keep some mags in a basket by my master bath tub to thumb though while i soak lol.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 I have very few punches... half a dozen, maybe.  All of my most used tools are in this tote on the corner of my desk, ready to grab.  Any tools that overflow out of that are in a couple of plastic bins in my scrap closet.


My Idea books are on my shelves either in Ikea wooden magazine holders and labled (whole special issues).  Each moth I go through my monthly subscriptions and pull out the ideas and LOs I want to keep.  I then organize those in plastic sleeves in my binders for layouts, cards, or minialbums/projects.  I also have a binder for printed class materials (online classes)... and excuse the mini fridge.  :)

My LO binder is organized with tabs according to how many photos are used in the example LOs.  There are also sections for sketches and multiple page LOs.

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Cherry Cola

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 I finally got my pictures caught up.  This is the holder from Pampered Chef.
This is the other one on my table and I found out it is called the Lazy
Scrapper -I always take this one to crops!
They both swivel and turn at the bottom!!
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Organization Challenge **Week SIX**
 So I'm finally getting around to posting this....

My tools are stored in plasic pencil boxes and one tackel box for my punches (sorry, not sure what happened to the pic I took), all labled as to what's inside

I keep about 6-8 months worth of mags, and then go through and pull out what I want to keep. Those pages end up in a binder.

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