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Sweet Cherry Pie

Canceling a GC?
 I sent a gc to someone and just realized I had the wrong addy. The addy I sent it to doesn't appear to exist, so what happens to the gc? Is it returned? Is it lost? Who do I ask? Help!! lol
Thanks for any help!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Canceling a GC?
 Post this in Website problems and someone will fix it for you!
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Brandon Singer

Site Admin

Re: Canceling a GC?
 I can cancel it and send out a new gc. PM me who it should be going to.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Canceling a GC?
 Thanks! I actually just retyped their email address into the link on the order form to email or pm the gc and resent it and it worked! Sorry I didn't try that before I asked! And thanks for the help :)
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