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Cherry Tart

Total of Cherry points found incorrect
Hi,   I know how busy you are today, but I'm having a problem making a purchase.  I have collected 3000 cherry points. When I tried to make a purchase,  it is only showing 2000 points and offering me $10.  Is there some way to correct this? I've tried refreshing and also going out and returning to site to update, but it doesn't work. I'd really like to take advantage of the 20% discount today if possible and also redeem my 3000 points.  Thanks for your help.  Hope everyone is having a wonderful NSD!!      Claudia
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Cherry Addict

Re: Total of Cherry points found incorrect
 Is your total purchase more than 50% of your points/discount?  So if you have 3000 points your total purchase (after discount/before shipping) would need to be at least $30  At least I think that's right!
** Chris **

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Cherry Tart

Re: Total of Cherry points found incorrect
Hi, Chris,     Thanks for your reply.  I had just figured that out right before I got your message.  Now I have a fun solution for my "problem".....I'm shopping!  Have a wonderful NSD and thanks again for your help!   Claudia
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