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Digital Designers

Wild Card Recap - June 15th
Today we discussed the many different ways to help speed along your scrap process.

First were the tools to make it go quicker


Templates are much like sketches- You can use as is (if you have never before here is a great Tutorial on template usage)
You can use a template as is- OR make it work for you. Templates are not solid- and you can modify by adding more or taking away to help create the look you are wanting.
You can also flip, rotate or mirror your templates to use differently- OR to make them match for a double page spread

There are two types of common wordart- Black/Font and Decorated (And as discussed and seen today- A new type of template based wordart)

Using these are great ways to do your titles for your Layouts.

Using Black/Font type-
*Use as is
*Recolor/Modify by using the selection tools
* Creating a decorated wordart from the font based using recoloring and kit elements
* Using as a stamp for your layouts
-This is done by several different ways- 1 changing your blending mode (multiply, hardlight, burn, overlay)
-To give a realistic stamped effect, after applying your blend mode- Use the erase tool with a grunge based brush
go over the wordart to give a distressed look

Using Decorated-
*Use as is
* use your recoloring/color replacer option to modify to fit the layout you are working on

Using Template -
This is a great way to create a title for your LO's when no alpha is available OR you just want something to match better
* You can use the papers or elements within a particular kit to clip as you would a LO template
* Or use different alphas to create the title for you

**Rule of thumb when doing wordart**
Treat it as you would a Photo- Accent behind your title, and embellish above. This will help give a rounded look to your title and bring even more attention to the details of your LOs

We also covered some great journaling and photo editing tips that take little time- But make everything pop that much more.

Journaling -
* When doing your layout ask yourself the basic questioning WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY
* When scrapping photos that don't really have a story, but you like them anyway- Use those for "Legacy Leavers"
* Think of what you would tell your child/friend/family member when they looked at the picture- THAT is what you should journal
* When you have NOTHING to say, or do not know any history about the photos you are working with- Go based on current feelings. Use the feelings the photos give you presently to tell your own story

Photo Editing -
*Basics edits- B&W goes best with your coolers color layouts and Sepia with your warmer color layouts
*Unsharpen mask- Its the ironic tool that does the exact opposite and always helps make colors pop and details standout
*To create a focus on a particular part of a photo- Use the selection tool- select around your subject- INVERT that selection and then use the gaussian blur option
*Vignette - Using masking OR the burn tool around the edges of your photo help create this look and bring the focus center of your photos
*Color Balance- this evens out your photos and helps warm up OR cool down a photo

Examples of those tools:
Original After using Color Balance, Burn, Unsharpen, Guassian and new layer of Sepia half transparent
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Next week we will be covering Mojo Movers (Boosting scrap motivation and getting over creative blocks)

Hope to see you all there :) And thanks for a wonderful bunch of fun today ladies!!!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Wild Card Recap - June 15th
Thanks for the recap Liz! That picture is TOO cute! Do we have a layout to do this week using these things?
Danna :)

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Cherry Addict

Re: Wild Card Recap - June 15th
Sounds like it was a great wild card chat! I'm going to have to play with some of those tools more...thanks for the update! I am a template lover...even if I don't use the actual template, I often use it as a sketch for inspiration. But I think once i used the first couple of templates, I have never left one alone..there is always something that gets changed! lol
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Wild Cherry

Re: Wild Card Recap - June 15th
Thanks Liz. The information has been very helpful.
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Digital Designers

Re: Wild Card Recap - June 15th
No there was no challenge issued this week- As the chat attendants got the gift for the week during the chat.

*Although there might be a little raking going on if I see those gifts used ;)
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Cherry Addict

Re: Wild Card Recap - June 15th
I'm sad I missed it, but for good reason... my dh skype'd me and we had a nice 2+ hour "date". :D :D
Looks like I missed some great material. Hopefully I'll catch up next week :)
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