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*~* New CGE Fan Page Freebie *~*
After all these years, I finally made a Facebook fan page for CG Essentials and there is a freebie there for anyone who would like it.  You can view it at by clicking on the FAN FREEBIE tab at the top of the page.  

Also, just a heads up that there will be a Facebook hop coming up that I'm participating in starting on June 1st.  Details will be posted on the fan page so becoming a fan will keep you in the loop.  :)

Kim Hill, Owner & Designer, CG Essentials
Owner, Resources 4 Photographers **photographer tools sold exclusively through A Cherry on Top**
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Stephen M.

Cherry Tart

Re: *~* New CGE Fan Page Freebie *~*
Hi Kim!

Great to hear you're still designing ... 

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MamaK321, ACOT Employee