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Digital Designers

Retiring Products, Sale, and FB Contest
Several photographer marketing products are going to be retired.  Items are clearly marked as RETIRING in the product name.  You'll save up to 68% on these specific items.  There are other products also on sale that are not retiring.  No coupons required.  

The sale for all of the items will end on April 15th.  If you are on Facebook, be sure to stop by the R4P fan page and click the SHARE button so that you can be entered into the contest for a $50 gift card to the R4P design shop.


Kim Hill, Owner & Designer, CG Essentials
Owner, Resources 4 Photographers **photographer tools sold exclusively through A Cherry on Top**
Find me on Facebook

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Digital Designers

Re: Retiring Products, Sale, and FB Contest
Today is the final day of this sale and then those items marked as "retiring" will actually be retired for good.  Last chance to snag them.  
Kim Hill, Owner & Designer, CG Essentials
Owner, Resources 4 Photographers **photographer tools sold exclusively through A Cherry on Top**
Find me on Facebook

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MamaK321, ACOT Employee