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Chocolate Covered Cherry

How to get started?
I've never digi scrapped before and I'm wanting to give it a try. What programs should I consider buying to start? Are they expensive? What do I do? I'm so confused. LOL
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Garcia

How to get started?
I use Photoimpact is not very expensive and I think it is really simple to use. A lot of the others use PSE.  I have tried it and I prefer photoimpact...could be because it is what I started with. You can DL free trials of both to see which you prefer.PI  Then DL a free kit to play with. There are TONS of free kits out there. Hope this helps.

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Sweet Cherry Pie

How to get started?
Shannon I just started too and I use Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 and love it. It is really easy to use. Staples has it for $89.99 right now but I've seen it cheaper. I also go to several sites that have free downloads here is a link to a thread that were mentioned here from other members. Some of which I go to also and they have some wonderful stuff. there is a free mini kit here at Acot you can get too.
Born to Crop not to Mop!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

How to get started?
My suggestion is Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Elements. They are widely used, most instructions/tutorials are used with these and you have a lot more techniques you can use with them! I know that Adobe Elements will be the cheaper of the two prob just over $100 I'm thinking. But it's a very good program and you can get 30 day trials at to see if you like it first!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

How to get started?
Thanks for all of the suggestions and links! I will definitely have to try all the free trials to see which one I like th best. Also, thanks for the heads up on the free kits. Its probably best I start off with those until I get the hang of it. Another all of the kits (free or $$) work with any of those programs?
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Garcia

How to get started?
Sarah makes a good point. Most tutorials are for the Adobe programs... so if you start with it, you would probably be better off. 

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Cherry Cola

How to get started?
Shannon you can also try Elements 5.0 for free for 30 days to see if you like it  and there are free kits you can download to try out.  Also is a great place to get Elements. I bought mine for $40.00 from a seller at Amazon.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

How to get started?
Shannon I forgot to tell you that some of the places you will need to register and be a member to see/get the freebies.  Some of my favorites are:http://www.scrapoutsidethebox.comhttp:/ ... 
Born to Crop not to Mop!

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Wild Cherry

How to get started?
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Delight

How to get started?
You might want to check your computer before you buy a program.  Both of my Sony computers (desktop and laptop) came with Photoshop Elements already installed, so I didn't have to buy anything.
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Cherry Blossom

How to get started?
Raspberry Road just put out a free beginners toolbox on her website.  Scrap Girls also has a lot of tutorials and stuff for beginners.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

How to get started?
You girls are going to keep me busy with all of those links. Thank you so much!  Koala, I know my computer doesn't have ex-husband had to reformat it and everything was wiped. He's in Iraq right now and any discs we had for any programs are at his house and I have to wait until he returns next year to borrower any of them.But I'm looking forward to try out the ones you all have suggested to me.
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Blossom

How to get started?
Oh, and if you have a Dell they usually come with Paint Shop Pro (PSP).
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Bowl Full of Cherries

How to get started?
Also make sure that you have enough memory, etc. to support the program.  I have an archaic computer, and it will only handle PSE 2.0!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

How to get started?
Good point lizziej. I wonder if my fiance will let me put it on his computer since its new, much faster with A LOT more memory. I might have to "snuggle" up to him later to get a yes out of him.  
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Addict

How to get started?
whooohoo Shannon!   you've got some great info already. I wanted to mention that you do not need to buy the most recent program available. Some people find the older versions are just as good and pleasingly cheaper too.  I use PSE.3 and trialed PSE.5 but am sticking with 3, there's not much different between the two and I'm an old dog. LOL  My best piece of advise for getting started... remember it's all about layers.You'll find some Digital Tutorials right here in our Blog.Digital Programs that we use for scrapbooking  <-- this topic in the digi talk forum is a list of who uses what program around here, so if you ever have questions or need a quick answer, you can find the perfect person to ask.ACOT has tons of FREE Downloads here!
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Cherry Addict

How to get started?
Here is another link which we gave out some suggestions, too:  Digi InfoHere's a beginner tutorial I had written for PSE 3.0:  TUTORIAL
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

How to get started?
You all are going to keep me busy with all of these fabulous links
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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