I am looking for a pp that I saw maybe last summer that has an old time looking boy and girl running. I thought it was maybe October Afternoon because it looks like that style but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone remember/have this paper that you can tell me the manufacturer/line.
Thanks so much for any help
Awww - I was so hoping that was it.
Here is one article that ACOT puts up every time there is a CHA to give us a sneak peak at what's coming. This one was for January 2012. Maybe you can use this to check the lines and see if one of them is what you're looking for.
http://www.acherryontop.com/articles/CH ... s%21-16486
Here is one article that ACOT puts up every time there is a CHA to give us a sneak peak at what's coming. This one was for January 2012. Maybe you can use this to check the lines and see if one of them is what you're looking for.
http://www.acherryontop.com/articles/CH ... s%21-16486

Is it Websters Pages Yacht Club. The only reason why I thought of it is because I did a double page layout yesterday using these pages. I covered the kids playing because it was a page w/ my husband and I.

Last edited by croppinmama on Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I was going to suggest Glitz Design, Pretty in Pink Toile but its not in the shop?
