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OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:56 pm
by Laura Fiore
As some of you know from a few other threads, I'm in the process of making a scrapbook for one of my BFF's sons. He's going away to college to play football at the end of this month and she dropped off four boxes of photos (mostly unorganized) from his childhood and said, "have at've got two weeks!"

So far I have 26 layouts done...have organized lots more of the photos into the AC page protectors that are for photos (not layouts) to go between layouts AND I'M SO BORED!!!!!

She has told me for the past four years that she wanted me to do an album for each of her boys (yeah, she has one more to go) and that I should totally be scrapbooking for a living...and I don't have the heart to tell her how much I don't like scrapping for others. Unless it's a gift I'm making for them...and I get to do it my way, and spend what I want on each page (and not worry about using up all my good stuff on someone else's album :winkb:), and journal my thoughts and feelings so that the titles come easy. I really want to say NEVER AGAIN...except she has that other kid, LOL

Thanks for letting me rant! I'm itching to play with my new CT reveal stuff and new pictures that my niece sent me from AZ, but I don't dare until I finish up this job!!! Oh, maybe just'll keep me motivated, right?

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:01 pm
by shayla_rose
yeah that really bite ((hugs)) I think people don't realize the unorganized pics and short deadlines make us stress lol. I think it's really nice of you to do this for her but I also think you should let her know (very nicely) that it's only fun when you can do stuff your way, just so you don't have this same problem in a few years with her next son. Not that you asked what I thought lol just saying :) anywho good luck getting done 26 is awesome progress!!

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:08 pm
by PezKat
Wow, what a project! I can't believe you got so little notice (or at least didn't get the photos sooner, you probably had 'notice' but that's not much to work with!). Good luck! And yeah, take a break and do one for you to refresh you! ;)

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:20 pm
by scraptag
That sucks. She must be a good friend, though, or you wouldn't be doing this, ...right?

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:24 pm
by handerful
(((HUGS)))) You are a good friend!

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:26 pm
by Retiree3
That sounds like one massive project.

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:38 pm
by aceason
wow, you're a good friend! I think people who don't scrapbook don't realize how personal it is, which is why it can be difficult to scrapbook other people's memories. What a challenge!

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:49 pm
by SarahA
I hear ya! I did an album for my sister for Christmas, and I didn't like doing it by the time I was finished either. It IS boring!

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:49 pm
by 4peasinourpod
stop talking about me when I can read ;)

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:52 pm
by SarahA
aceason wrote:wow, you're a good friend! I think people who don't scrapbook don't realize how personal it is, which is why it can be difficult to scrapbook other people's memories. What a challenge!
You're exactly right! When it's your memory, that's when you can really make the page personal and add fun little details to the page. You can't get into it the same just by looking at a picture of someone else!

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:56 pm
Ouch! If I were getting paid for something like that, I'd probably enjoy it but I'm like you... unless I'm scrapping for myself, it's just not the same! Good luck!!

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:58 pm
by killarney_rose
Rant AWAY!!!!!! :winkb:

You are such a GREAT BFF!!!

I think you should ask her to organize the photos for you on the next child. If you have a spare photo box, hand it to her! ;)

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:00 pm
by Laura Fiore
aceason wrote:wow, you're a good friend! I think people who don't scrapbook don't realize how personal it is, which is why it can be difficult to scrapbook other people's memories. What a challenge!

That's definitely true! I think they also don't realize how much work it is to do it...they just know that they don't want to or can't get organized at all to do it, LOL

And yes, she is a very good friend, and I had warning...four years of knowing it was coming, and then helping her through some major upheaval in her life and forgetting about it for a while, and then knowing it was coming again, and , and, just kept happening for her, and now she wants it done now. Good thing I love her.

And, she is insistent on paying will probably cover my expenses. When I added up the 26 pages, and realized I'll need to do at least 8-10 more to flesh it out, I realized I can't charge her the $10 a page I charged the last person I scrapped for.

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:44 pm
by kittymomma
Do you seriously have to put ALL of the pics into the albums? Personally, I think she should be organizing them--then you could make an album....

I say take a break and work on a CT page--then go back.

Heck--she had 18 years to get this together--she can't expect you to do it in two weeks! LOL

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:00 pm
by gine
You are a very good friend, I would have said organize and bring back
It is tough to do pages for others I agree and I always have a great idea for a page of my own when I cant sit down with it LOL

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:18 pm
by Scrappy69
I actually made one for someone I didn't even know once. A congressman, mind you, so I charged appropriately . . . but I knew nothing about him or his family. I felt like you do. I didn't feel creative, I felt rushed and uninterested. The end result, he was very happy. That made it worth it:)

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:30 pm
by scrappininAK
that's a ton of pages - good luck getting it finished up

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:41 pm
by Janshotgun
What an incredible friend! I hope she appreciates it! I know what you mean about journaling. I love the journaling you do on your own layouts - it makes it so much more personal and it must be hard when doing it for other people. You don't know what their thoughts and memories were of certain pics.

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:46 pm
by Grandma Flowers
You're a really good friend to do that.

Re: OMGosh!!!! I'm starting to go a little crazy here!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 10:42 pm
by meteechtap
That is excactly how I felt when I did a Scrapbook for a friend's (I did get paid) daughter for a pagent! She gave me about three huge boxes with pagent books, church functions, professional pics, dance pics and programs, and all kinds of awards! I had two weeks as well, but I wound up going to her house because I couldn't remeber everything she told me that went together! I felt overwhelmed! I don't mind doing a single or double Lo ocasionally, but probably never a whole scrapbook again!