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February LOVE contest

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:52 am
by tinkiesue
February, being the month of "love" inspired both the contest and challenge this month. Here are the specifics. The title of your project must have the word L O V E in it and then each journaling line must start with an L, then an O, then a V and finally an E. Here is an example: Little tiny sunsets, Orange in color, Vibrant and romantic, Escape to paradise. Your project can be a layout, card or mini album. There are no color or subject specifications. Just have fun with this. The contest will run from February 1 through February 28. Upload into the contest gallery at by midnight Feb 28 to get entered. It might be YOU that wins the FREE chipboard goodies Image Good luck!!

Re: February LOVE contest

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:03 pm
by jcsmaestra
OOOH Sounds like fun!