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Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:49 pm
by rnmom247
This weekend I was at a scrapbook retreat with my niece, sister and three friends. We completed 184 layouts during our 2 1/2 days there, however, I only completed 14 of those. Everyone else seems to have a technique or something where they are really able to get alot of pages completed. My niece shared that she usually scraps 4-5 photos on a page and usually uses the same technique which works for her and speeds up what she can get done (she completed 52 layouts).
Are there any good articles I could read on technique or would any of you share your technique on how to scrap faster? My layouts are okay, nothing fancy and I am still slow. Need help.
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:52 pm
by Sus79
I would surgest making sketches for the pics before you leave home, put a sketch and the pics together in a folder, then you don´t have to start from scratch when you get there.
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:53 pm
by SBcrazee
I found that doing a bit of prep work before I went to a crop helped me work faster. I'd put together the cs, pattern paper & photos together. If I had a layout in mind, I'd include a printout or drawing of the sketch as well as any embellishments. Then when I got to the crop, all I had to do was put the layouts together without having to decide what photos to put with what papers...Also helped me carry less stuff.
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:03 pm
by dianagirly
Print off one bunch of pictures in black and white or sepia. It makes is a little easier to match them to supplies you have on hand so you don't have to take as long matching colors.
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:35 pm
by Henu_Nea
I try to plan as many LOs as possible. The planning is always what takes me the longest. However, 14 los is still awesome! I'm usually so chatty & admiring other people's stuff at crops that I hardly get anything done. LOL
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:49 pm
by GRACEpunches5
dianagirly wrote: Print off one bunch of pictures in black and white or sepia. It makes is a little easier to match them to supplies you have on hand so you don't have to take as long matching colors.
I agree. If you look through my albums I have few pictures taken in color because b&w is so easy to scrapbook and timeless.
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:52 pm
by Grandma Flowers
Good hints. I'm slow, too, and have trouble picturing it in my head.
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:00 pm
by scraptag
wow! That was a good question. Those are some great suggestions I hadnt thought of before (like printing out in black and white)
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:45 pm
by rnmom247
Thanks for sharing. I did try to only bring what I thought I might use but it still was alot and gets overwhelming. I'll have to do more prep work in the future.
Do you have a style that also helps? My niece uses this 5 photo method that she has and switches it around, like a sketch almost and then mixes it up so that her layouts aren't alike but similar. Anyone do anything like this?
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:48 pm
by baltoscrapper
I don't know but ask Chas (evilqueen). I've never seen anyone make so many decisions and get a layout done so fast in my LIFE and from what I see, she isn't planning ahead either!
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:43 pm
by ekip2
I too am a slow scrapper and would be excited to get 14 pages done but I know what you mean, I've been to crops and been surprised at how fast some people can crop.
I like to make page baggies in ziploc 2 gallon baggies before I go to a crop. I have the pix,paper, embellies and a rough layout/sketch idea. Takes a lot of the decision process out which is what takes the time for me.
Another thing that takes me forever is I second guess myself and keep moving stuff around, adding and subtracting embellies etc. To go fast, you have to make a choice and stick with it.
Some people journal head on the computer and print it out and take to a crop but I find that when I do that, I never have it in the right size. But if I save a spot for journaling to add later somehow I never end up doing it. I don't try and hand journal at a crop. I learned that the hard way - I take forever on what to say if I'm distracted.
Interesting post. I'm enjoying hearing what others do.
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:19 pm
by davsar
Wow - 14 - that is a lot in my mind! I am a very slow scrapper (both digi and paper). It takes me forever to decide which pictures to scrap, which items to use, even takes me forever to finish a page when using a sketch. I know when I scrap in a hurry (like at the crops here) I don't ever keep my creations because they stink big time!!
Re: Share fast scrapbook techniques
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:46 pm
by Judes
Hey, 14 pages isn't shabby! Even when not totally finished.
I am a slow scrapper, too, and get quite distracted with all the other things going on at a crop. That's why I go during the day before the evening scrapper get there. I put my head down and slap those pictures down, make do with what I've done and embellish accordingly. If all else fails, I finish at home with my diecut machine and journaling. I often do this with big groups of pictures, i. e., vacations. It helps that the other people in my family don't actually care for layouts with lots of artsy stuff on them. Kind of frees me up.