At last!!!!
So the short version of my sad story is:
1. my old computer died,
2. I had to get a new one,
3. I don't know how to post a pic to a thread on a mobile device,
4. we struggled to get the new one on the network - come to find out it was a network issue!
But here we are at last!
So......OMG what fun that was! This is what I took out of the box:
and here is what I added:
The box was in rather poor shape when it got to me, so we have a new one - it's a plain cardboard box but I adorned it with priority tape and mailed it priority anyhow. (It's also just a tad bigger so the 12x12 paper won't get squashed.) Now just to show you all exactly how anal I am, I organized the contents and put everything into plastic baggies. A lot of it was already in bags, so I combined similar items (alphas, die cuts, Christmas stuff) and donated a couple more baggies of my own. On a serious note - it's pouring here yesterday and today, and I just couldn't put paper, in a paper box, for someone to (shudder to think) leave out in the rain! So - the organized box looks like this:
So buh bye box!!! Off you go to Chris (emmapaige)!
Have fun Chris - I left you lots of goodies!!! You should get the box on Saturday according to my postal guy. Here is a link to your tracking #: ... 4109230996