what a beautiful memory board - so glad your daughter is hosting a memorial
It's beautiful and was probably therapeutic for you to do. Keep on keeping on and hug those close to you, especially your lovely daughter, often.

Gorgeous board!! I'm so glad to hear that you are going to be able to say goodbye to your Mom and honor her life with the people you love. I'm sure the memorial will be beautiful.
It's beautiful and I'm glad your daughter is having a memorial at her house.
Glad to hear that you'll get to have a memorial. Love your memory board. It's beautiful!

Very awesome memory board. I am so happy that you are having your own memorial with those who loved your mom. Hang in there.

I just wanted to let you know how much this song touched me. I haven't been able to scrap my husband's sister since she died very unexpectedly last November. But I felt really inspired to finally scrap about her. Thanks for posting this song.stampaholic85 wrote:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNoLJy68ZcE&sns=fb
I don't know if you have heard this song. But it's good. I hope it brings you happy tears and not sad....
Ayla wrote:I just wanted to let you know how much this song touched me. I haven't been able to scrap my husband's sister since she died very unexpectedly last November. But I felt really inspired to finally scrap about her. Thanks for posting this song.stampaholic85 wrote:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNoLJy68ZcE&sns=fb
I don't know if you have heard this song. But it's good. I hope it brings you happy tears and not sad....
I'm glad you liked it and were finally able to scrap about your sister-in-law. It's amazing the impact a song can have.

Facebook page: Pink Passion Stamper
What a lovely tribute (((hugs)))
Oh Sherrie it's beautiful! I'm so glad your dd is having a memorial! {{{hugs}}}
*** Christi ***
Love to scrap - Need to scrap - Not enough time to scrap!!!

Love to scrap - Need to scrap - Not enough time to scrap!!!

(((HUGS))) Sherrie. Beautiful work on the Memory Board for your Mom. She must have been an amazing lady!
You did a beautiful job.. I'm so glad that your daughter is having a memorial. That is a heartwarming solution. I hope you are feeling comforted and supported by those surrounding you at this difficult time, including the cherries here. 


