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Chatty Cherry

Re: How is your weekend going
 It went good.  We went camping but yesterday we did get caught in a nasty storm, that ate and washed away part of our neighboors lawn and made the corner of his camper tip a little bit because all the dirt washed out and it was a 2 ft hailed and was kinda scary when the flash flood came but the rest of the weekend was great! my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: How is your weekend going
 Good grief, Wendy!  Your poor neighbor.

My dd DID come through with something and I was able to finish up her trip pages.  As you can see my yearly count is up to almost 30 pages a month.  Eight more for the month of May.  I so stoked that I'm keeping up my plan.
[font=Arial:ohrhf522]Pages completed in 2010: 179
Pages completed in 2011: 121
An ideologue knows he's right. A person of faith knows only that he doesn't know. ----Walter Gustafson, Everett. From Seattle Times, Letters to the Editor, 26 Mar 2007.[/font:ohrhf522][/size:ohrhf522][/font]
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