Do you ever have what I call Popcorn" thoughts. Thoughts that just randomly pop into your head unexpectedly and boom .. An idea is created. Was showering and "pop"... An idea for an NSD theme. I know it's a long way away and hostess selections have not even been mentioned but I loooooove when these popcorn thoughts happen. Counting down to May!!
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"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"

Yes! I totally get those popcorn thoughts too, but it's usually at 3 AM! LOL! NSD may seem far away, but it creeps up fast. Jot down those thoughts for future use! I've already forgotten mine by wake up time. I really should use my phone and record them.
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Yes, jotted them down as I knew they would be gone by morning, lol.
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"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"

I’ve never heard that term before, but I get them too.
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I am glad to hear I am not the only one thinking about a challenge for NSD!
. Yes, I have popcorn thoughts, I just assumed it was a couple squirrels in my head…one dropped a nut!
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I have these! And I've been jotting them down.... I have a couple challenge ideas already!
And.... I already put in for PTO for the Thursday before and the Monday afterwards to be off!!
And.... I already put in for PTO for the Thursday before and the Monday afterwards to be off!!
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I get them in the middle of the night and can picture exactly how I want a LO to look. If I do not get up right away and at least sketch it and make notes, I completely forget it!!
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Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!

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aheatfan wrote: ↑Tue Feb 18, 2025 10:04 pmDo you ever have what I call Popcorn" thoughts. Thoughts that just randomly pop into your head unexpectedly and boom .. An idea is created. Was showering and "pop"... An idea for an NSD theme. I know it's a long way away and hostess selections have not even been mentioned but I loooooove when these popcorn thoughts happen. Counting down to May!!
NOW that you mentioned it, Kristin, I am ALWAYS excited for NSD! It's DEFINITELY something I look forward to all year! (And yes, JUST here! Lol! I don't have enough time or energy for multiple NSD crops but I'm admire those that do!)
I DEFINITELY have stash AND photos so I'm AT LEAST that prepared!
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LOL me, too, Vicki!
Right on, Rebecca!!!Monroe1218 wrote: ↑Wed Feb 19, 2025 10:53 amI have these! And I've been jotting them down.... I have a couple challenge ideas already!
And.... I already put in for PTO for the Thursday before and the Monday afterwards to be off!!
beachlover wrote: ↑Wed Feb 19, 2025 11:07 amI get them in the middle of the night and can picture exactly how I want a LO to look. If I do not get up right away and at least sketch it and make notes, I completely forget it!!
Oh, Anne, I KNOW what that's like!
I agree with all of these Popcorn thoughts! But also enjoy hearing I'm not the only one excited for NSD and look forward all year! Need to put in PTO as's just so much fun to celebrate with so many of us loving this creative hobby!!
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LOL--I love the term "popcorn thoughts". I used to keep a notebook next to my bed and write my ideas down in the dark. In the morning it was always hilarious to try to decipher the lines that ran over top one another.
I was thinking of NSD just the other day. It is definitely something to start getting excited about. It's the BEST!
I was thinking of NSD just the other day. It is definitely something to start getting excited about. It's the BEST!
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haha, I thought I was the only one with the critters in my head, mine are gerbils on a wheel!

When I had a Hollywood themed classroom I came up with that for the kids .... In a nice way telling them I didn't need to hear every popcorn thought at every moment, lol.
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"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"

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Hah! I don't think it is too early to think about NSD. I've also jotted down a couple of ideas if I am chosen to hostess again. It's really just a little over 2 months away.
And I see that Rachel has even posted a survey about it - so DEFINATELY not too early
And I see that Rachel has even posted a survey about it - so DEFINATELY not too early

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“The next best thing to the enjoyment of a good time, is the recollection of it.” — James Lendall Basford

Yes!! Often in the shower! But my problem was that I would forget by the time I got out of the shower. So I started writing it in the steam on the shower door - the physical act cemented it in my brain more solidly. I also used to get good ideas when I was running - no where to write those down!

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i seem to always get these kinds of thoughts when i'm driving
i just tell Siri to make a note for me. then it's a question whether or not i'll remember to look at the note lol
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