First of all, I'm sad that so many companies are closing, including brick and mortar stores. Yes, I think several companies will stay afloat, and Thank God we have ACOT!
That said, I used to go to Michaels and Hobby Lobby with my mom and sisters and have the best times! There was a wide variety of arts and crafts products, and that's where my love for scrapbooking and paper crafting products REALLY took off. We used to have more scrapbook stores, too!
I LOVE that I can find a wide variety of products online, and ACOT has been my go-to since 2019! Blessedly, because Michael's and Hobby Lobby have been big disappointments the last few times I've went.
ALSO, I will always hold a soft spot in my heart for American Crafts products, because they were one of the first manufacturers that I bought from, and they've merged with or bought other good companies over the years.
I JUST hate to see so many of our special stores and company closing down! Hopefully American Crafts is JUST going to reduce some of their production, NOT stop all together!
I would be lost without ACOT!