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Cherry Tart

Haul thread?
Is there a thread or board where we can show our hauls? I love to see what others are picking up! some of us are on freezes, or have limited funds, or are actually USING our stash instead shopping  (well, ok, I dunno about that last one Image, lol) and like to shop vicariously through others!!! 
[url=C:\Users\owner\Pictures\lisas stuff\proudcherrytart.gif]Image[/url] [img]C:\Users\owner\Pictures\lisas%20stuff\proudcherrytart.gif[/img] 
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Cherry Crush

Re: Haul thread?
lol, I love to shop vicariously!  I don't know that there is such a thread, but this could be it.  Show us what you are buying, ladies!
 Image    Image         Image
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