Today I woke up at 6 am hubby to do the housework and errands while I work on dd wedding book , which I promised would be ready for her as we celebrate Father's Day tomorrow...YIKES.. I think I can I think I can...anyone else out there scrapping late...looks I will be up till morning...ugh....
Wow! That's a deadline, lol. Sounds like me, except I'd never have a whole day and night to scrap! Have a good time and hope you get it done to your liking!

Good luck!! As much as I would love to scrap the night away, I must turn in. Good luck finishing the album, I bet it will be beautiful!
I hope you get it all finished up with time to spare for a nap!

Rah rah shish boom bah
GO GO GO, you can do it!
GO GO GO, you can do it!
Karen in SC
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
THANKS guys...! I was up till 2 back up at 5:30......... just finishing up THE SPEECH page..........I hope I can do it ........but its not looking good 

Well I will continue to work for another hour or so, but I am throwing in the towel..., I did give it a good try though.....
dd will just have to understand - humm ....
dd will just have to understand - humm ....
you did what you can. That is all you can do. I am sure it is beautiful.tjones wrote:Well I will continue to work for another hour or so, but I am throwing in the towel..., I did give it a good try though.....
dd will just have to understand - humm ....
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.