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cathy h

Cherry Bing

Digi question
I am not a digi scrapper but I have a friend who is interested in some Digi software. She is looking for some software that would be easy to use. What do you recommend or like?
Cathy H
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Digi question
Photoshop Elements. Yes, it's not that easy to learn, but the specialized stuff marketed for digi scrapping is way too limited.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Digi question
I have just started learning digi scrapping and I downloaded the free trial of Photoshop Elelments 9- you get a 30 day free trial and it's great. I already know that I will be buying this program. I really only know the basics yet, but it will take awhile for anyone to learn it all. So I would recommend this program, for sure.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Digi question
Definitely PhotoShop Elements! I tried to do it in Microsoft Publisher and was really limited.
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cathy h

Cherry Bing

Re: Digi question
Thanks I am sure that this will help her.
Cathy H
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Cherry Tart

Re: Digi question
Agree with what's been said so far, PhotoShop Elements is great for a beginner.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Digi question
I would also suggest Photoshop Elements. It is available for both Apples and PCs. We have tutorials here at ACOT to help beginners!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Digi question
Creative Memories' StoryBook Creator Plus is very user-friendly. And you can import other manufacturers' kits to use in it.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Digi question
Another one for Photoshop Elements. Currently I'm using 7 but I've already bought 9...just haven't installed it yet (sad considering I got it at a Black Friday sale!). Tutorials can be found in lots of places and when all else fails, the "Undo" button is your friend! ;)
Danna :)

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Digi question
I'm all in for Photoshop Elements! That is what I learned on (and I'm still learning).
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Digi question
well I would say whatever these girls are saying but I learned and have never used anything other than Photoshop CS :) but it is a real real real learning curve :)
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