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Cherry Tart

Are many people from MN??
I have been really surprised to see so many people from Minnesota here.  I'm just curious how many there really are.Give a shout out if you live in the freezing state of MN.
Tammy from Minnesota
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Cherry Cola

Are many people from MN??
I am here!!!!  Welcome!!!
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Cherry Blossom

Are many people from MN??
I am!Amanda
***All you need is a little faith, trust and pixie dust***
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Cherry Picker

Are many people from MN??
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Cherry Blossom

Are many people from MN??
I live in NY, but I am going to MN this August for 5 days. I am soooooo excited! 
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Cherry Bing

Are many people from MN??
Me and my evil twin... errr sis-in-law asset....
Kari ----- "Women with whips, 82% more likely to get what they want."

Check out my site! http://countryroadphotography.zenfolio.com/
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Cherry Tart

Are many people from MN??
Me! I live in the Twin CitiesBarb
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Cherry Cola

Are many people from MN??
Tammy - where is Kasson???  I have never heard of it ;-)
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Cherry Tart

Are many people from MN??
Kasson is just west of Rochester
Tammy from Minnesota
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Cherry Bing

Are many people from MN??
Kasson - Home of the Big Iron Classic truck show! I was there in Sept!
Kari ----- "Women with whips, 82% more likely to get what they want."

Check out my site! http://countryroadphotography.zenfolio.com/
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Cherry Blossom

Are many people from MN??
although today it is actually pretty warm here...I'm west of you tammy by a couple of hours, south central minnesota.
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Cherry Garcia

Are many people from MN??
I am originally from  MN and just talked to my sister and my dad there.  Sorry you aren't as warm as we are.   But we will be about the same tomorrow.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Are many people from MN??
North Dakota is close...
"always laugh, always hope, always love, always pray."
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Cherry Bing

Are many people from MN??
I'm from Minnesota and love this website; another great crop!
Pam ImageImage
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Cherry Bomb

Are many people from MN??
Im in South Dakota but born and raised in Blue Earth MN...
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Cherry Cola

Are many people from MN??
Hey Corrie - I did the opposite of you.  I grew up in South Dakota and now live in MN :-)
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Cherry Bomb

Are many people from MN??
That is COOL!
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Wild Cherry

Are many people from MN??
Me! Just a note- Kari is the evil one!!!!Hmmm, maybe our next Pine City crop is gonna be really big!

I'm not saying forget what you lost
I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
And it's paid every time we take hold of the reins
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Cherry Cola

Are many people from MN??
I'm from MN - up north between Hibbing and Grand Rapids - but I got transplanted to Michigan's U.P. and only get back home in the summer.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Are many people from MN??
asset wrote:Me! Just a note- Kari is the evil one!!!!Hmmm, maybe our next Pine City crop is gonna be really big!

I am NOT evil. Just a little mean tempered.
I was just checking out the website for the Pine City Scrapbooking Co. Not to worry fellow Cherries, it is not an online store, just info on a LSS. Marni's blog shows some of the pics of the retreat center. Ladies, we might have to retreat for a Fri-Sat stint. It looks cool, like a mercantile!
Kari ----- "Women with whips, 82% more likely to get what they want."

Check out my site! http://countryroadphotography.zenfolio.com/
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