I didn't get a lot of time to scrap this weekend, but when I did, I think I made the most of it. I did 3 challenges and I did 4 other pages. I would call that successful!
I would definitely call that successful!! I didn't scrap anything!!
Mommy to Grace&~Hope~
Mommy to Grace&~Hope~
LOL, Lisa! You're right! But I can always scrap, when will I be able earn extra points like this weekend!? I made 700 points this weekend!!! :P
Mommy to Grace&~Hope~
Mommy to Grace&~Hope~
I did 5 challenges, 2 fast scraps and 2 other layouts.
I would call that successful, too! Good job!I didn't get a single challenge or fast scrap done (not one)... LOL! But I had fun playing the games and stuff 

Sue, I posted it on another thread, but I've been doing LOTS of posting this weekend so that is where a lot of them came from. I did manage to get a couple of random points and won a game or two, but as Lisa can attest - I posted A LOT!

Mommy to Grace&~Hope~
Mommy to Grace&~Hope~
Don't feel bad I got 5 challenges done and 6 Fast Scraps done! I had boyscouts this weekend so I was taken away too! I am planning on finishing all though!
Love the small things in life too!
I only got 2 challenges done and a total of 3 pages scrapped which is pretty good. I didn't do the fastscraps as that was new to me.