This really has nothing to do with this crop but I am going to really have alot to scrap on the next! I had to stop scrappin early today due to the fact of I am my son's boyscout leader - we had The Pinewood Derby today! I was a little upset about the finishing the crop! But now I am very happy that I stopped at took care of my priorities with my son! It was the first race for him to be in and me as leader! He came home with two trophies! 1 for 1st place in our pack and and the other was 3rd place for overall! I am so pround of him!!!! Now I can finish my crop challenges - hoping that I get more done by 12!
Love the small things in life too!
that is awesome! You both deserve to be proud of each other.
We have to forgive! If we don't forgive, we'll get left behind! janet rose
Love people & use things--- Not love things & use people!

Love people & use things--- Not love things & use people!