**WINNER!***Diptych Dare
Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 2:34 pm
THANK YOU to everyone who participated in my challenge, AND, to AMERICAN CRAFTS for a generous prize!!

Welcome to my last challenge!
What is a diptych? It’s a piece of art created when two pieces of hinged painted, carved or written panels are smushed together. Essentially making a mirror image.
I took examples from the greatest artist, Mother Nature
herself. Symmetry in nature has always intrigued me, I kept it easy and just used vegetation. They all aren’t mirror images, but interesting patterns. So let’s see what we can see! Who says you can’t combine biology and art? (I have to use my Biology degree somehow)!
For this challenge, you are to pick ONE of the 12 photos and recreate the symmetry or pattern on your LAYOUT or CARD. It can be paper, hybrid or digital. I look forward to seeing your creations! (See below for prize from American Crafts, our sponsor).

1). Only ONE entry per person. May NOT be combined with any other challenge EXCEPT the 25 Items Challenge.
2). It MUST contain at least 50% of the symmetry or pattern in the photo. Please IDENTIFY a which photo you used.
3) Open to layouts (paper, hybrid, digital) and cards. Check box for challenge when you enter so I get your entry for the prize.
4). Winner is determined randomly. Due on Monday, May 15th at midnight (EST).
5). Please post your creation to THIS thread, and HAVE FUN! Happy international/NSD/weekend!!
Here is the PRIZE FROM AMERICAN CRAFTS! Thank you for sponsoring!

THANK YOU to everyone who participated in my challenge, AND, to AMERICAN CRAFTS for a generous prize!!

Welcome to my last challenge!
What is a diptych? It’s a piece of art created when two pieces of hinged painted, carved or written panels are smushed together. Essentially making a mirror image.
I took examples from the greatest artist, Mother Nature
For this challenge, you are to pick ONE of the 12 photos and recreate the symmetry or pattern on your LAYOUT or CARD. It can be paper, hybrid or digital. I look forward to seeing your creations! (See below for prize from American Crafts, our sponsor).

1). Only ONE entry per person. May NOT be combined with any other challenge EXCEPT the 25 Items Challenge.
2). It MUST contain at least 50% of the symmetry or pattern in the photo. Please IDENTIFY a which photo you used.
3) Open to layouts (paper, hybrid, digital) and cards. Check box for challenge when you enter so I get your entry for the prize.
4). Winner is determined randomly. Due on Monday, May 15th at midnight (EST).
5). Please post your creation to THIS thread, and HAVE FUN! Happy international/NSD/weekend!!
Here is the PRIZE FROM AMERICAN CRAFTS! Thank you for sponsoring!