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Cherry Bing

Need week off for NSD
Anyone volunteering to tell my boss I need the week off to finish my challenge layouts?   So many great challenges and prizes.... so little time.....  "Fast" scrap has never been in my vocabulary.  I can't even pick one to do quickly.  The good news is I have some awesome ideas that will keep me going even after this week.

I also learned kits are not helpful for this.  For general crops, absolutely.  But since you have no idea what will be thrown at you assembly kits isn't working.  Oh well - I have them for another day.  Live and learn
Lisa - Scrappy Distractions

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Cherry Bark

Re: Need week off for NSD
I agree!!! There is so many I want to do, and I already have ideas for them. 

I too need to work -- who else is going to pay some of the bills around here? LOL.  And I usually don't have the brain power to scrap at night on weekdays, so what I'm doing is waking up a little early (before 7am), and after feeding the fur kids, I'm in my room. I'm doing the sketches. Figured a sketch would speed up the process in the morning too. So after I'm done (within 45 mins to an hour), I shower, and then hit the office. But I'm still thinking about the OTHER challenges. I'm hoping to knock alot of them out over the weekend. Its going to be a marathon!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Need week off for NSD
the challenges become overwhelming for me!  but i have gotten 3 of them done and will work on a 4th today...goal is to get 5 done!
i neeeeed more
i dont even care about the prizes at this point...just getting some photos off the stack!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Need week off for NSD
I totally agree. My boss is a slavedriver too, ROFL!!!! Who's going to tell her to back off?? hahaha! Anyway I have 1 finished and 1 almost finished (journaling/bling to be added). I'm going thru the list on the blog to see which challenges I could feasibly do this week. So many great challenges - I want to do all of them!!! But I still have another deadline, plus laundry day and a followup u/s on Friday because of an "incomplete mammogram". (Like I have time for that - I'd rather be scrapping!)
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Need week off for NSD
Ha, Ha. I agree. I am getting through some at the expense of the laundry and house cleaning. That can wait for now, lol
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
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Cherry Berry

Re: Need week off for NSD
Well I took this week off so I could work on the challenges and guess what the house is a wreck because of renovating the bathroom.  I cannot even get to my paper scrappy supplies.   Looks like I will have to work digitally.
Dawn Marie 
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Cherry Addict

Re: Need week off for NSD
I do not work anymore but I am having trouble just going over all the challenges, only have 2 done so far.  So many amazing challenges!!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Need week off for NSD
I am quite slow and indecisive, but NSD usually gives me a kick.  I took the day off yesterday to have some scrappy time and got a few things done! I also took off today, but I forgot today is my son's virtual school day - doubt I'll be getting anything done! Not sure how much more I can accomplish the rest of the week - I might have family visiting this weekend and I'll need to clean. 
- Valerie/stateless
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Cherry Cola

Re: Need week off for NSD
I am retired but still don't have enough time to do all the challenges I want to. I have done 7 - which is a record for me! Working on 2 more today. I think that the most I can get done in a day is 3 - and only if I prepped one the night before. I have one partly finished along with 2 for today - we'll see. Nighttime I am too tired and need a break. Also my birthday is the 7th and we will be going out for a while and then there's Mother's Day! 
Hi everyone!     My name is Susan and I love to scrapbook!

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Need week off for NSD
I'm hoping to get a chance to work on some tonight after the girls go to bed. I have so many ideas and there are so many more challenges I'd like to do. I'm thinking that I might do some of the other challenges anyway even if I missed the deadline just because they're so much fun. I'll be away this weekend visiting my parents so I only have tonight and tomorrow night.
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: Need week off for NSD
Next year, I am going to take time off after NSD to get things done.  This year, I took time before and although nice, I still didn't prep to get enough done over the weekend :) 
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