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A Cherry on Top

Re: Getting anything done?
I got the fast scrap done!!! Woooo hooo my first fast scrap ever!!! I don't usually do them because I'm a slow scrapper and the words "fast scrap" usually make me shudder lol. I don't usually do sketches either, but the minute I saw this one I had an idea and said I can do this! Then my Twinkie goes out in the yard during the fast scrap hour and gets covered in mud trying to dig her tennis ball out of a hole. And then it down pours. She was a muddy mess and I had to run her out to the outdoor shower to "hose" all the mud off of her. And I still somehow got my layout done. Barely but I did it! Lol!


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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Getting anything done?
pawprints wrote:I got the fast scrap done!!! Woooo hooo my first fast scrap ever!!! I don't usually do them because I'm a slow scrapper and the words "fast scrap" usually make me shudder lol. I don't usually do sketches either, but the minute I saw this one I had an idea and said I can do this! Then my Twinkie goes out in the yard during the fast scrap hour and gets covered in mud trying to dig her tennis ball out of a hole. And then it down pours. She was a muddy mess and I had to run her out to the outdoor shower to "hose" all the mud off of her. And I still somehow got my layout done. Barely but I did it! Lol!

Beautiful layout & of course, beautiful babies!!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Getting anything done?
I finished a 4 page PL spread last was the project I set out to do for NSD...considering it usually takes me something like 3-4 days of sitting down for 10-15 minutes at a time (I don't like to journal and will avoid it like the plague, IS easier when the memories are more recent, though) to finish just a 2 pager, so getting a 4 page spread done in just a few hours sprinkled throughout the day is quite the accomplishment for me.  Today, after my husband is done cleaning out the rest of the gunk (or as much as he can get) from the pool draining we did yesterday and we start to fill it back up, he and the kids are going to run errands and possibly see a movie while I'm home alone and get a TRUER NSD today.  We had a party yesterday and my husband worked, so there was only so much I could do.  He stopped working Sundays at his second job last summer (almost a year now) so it's our one true day of him being available...which means that I can get more time today if I really want it.  I can't wait to get my day started in a couple of hours.  The 2 spreads I have plans to do today will get me caught up through week 11 this year (I just ordered from week 12 until the end of April which is great because it includes our Texas vacation last month and should have those in my hands sometime next week) and if I'm able to get those done and still have some mojo left, I'll try my hand at some 12x12's or maybe working on my 2015 DD album. :) Lofty goals, but I'd rather have too many plans and not get to them then not enough and be left trying to plan instead of doing while I have the time.

Visit My Blog:  Mamarazzi Scraps
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