First, Heidi and Kristin for giving me the opportunity to try my hand at being a hostess. It was a blast coming up with ideas for challenges and games. Sometimes a bit stressful keeping track of things, especially during periods of quick moving posts. But, overall just PLAIN FUN! I hope I represented ACOT well!
Next, my fellow hostesses. To those who have hosted before, thanks for all the tips and pointers. It helped immensely. It still amazes me that I've been on this board for 13 years and still learn new things about this place all the time! Even though communication through those sometimes crazy PMs was hectic, I think we did a good job at keeping each other in the loop and we were able to stay pretty well organized. It was fun working with each and every one of you!
Lastly, all the participating Cherries! Thanks for playing along and doing the challenges. It's so nice to see participation in all the games and challenges. I found myself second guessing some of my choices. I'm sure we've all done that . . . think of an idea that seems really neat to you, but then you wonder if anyone else will feel the same way. I was nervous about my challenges and games, but everyone showed there was no reason to be. You played along and made it fun. I hope all the Cherries had as much fun as I did.
Again, thanks to ACOT and all the Cherries!