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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Kim's Class Reveal ~ It's a Mini Album!
Ok kid you have me. Now I need to get Joey to send me these photos of this great place he's been sent to in Wisconsin that he wants.put together. I'll join you from Hersheys new scrapbook store, Enchanted Memories. I've only been there one other time and it'll be fun to make this while there. THANKS!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Kim's Class Reveal ~ It's a Mini Album!
I'm looking forward to this.  I love projects like this.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Kim's Class Reveal ~ It's a Mini Album!
This looks interesting. I was going to make a mini album for a friend at church who is having a baby girl. If I did this challenge, am I allowed to leave spaces for pictures, like the matting in place?
I'm glad I don't have to hunt for my food. I don't even know where sandwiches live.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Kim's Class Reveal ~ It's a Mini Album!
I am intrigued. I have made several mini albums but always out of paper bags. I am excited for this!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Kim's Class Reveal ~ It's a Mini Album!
Yay! Can't wait! Very excited!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

  ImageImage   Image Image
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Kim's Class Reveal ~ It's a Mini Album!
I have a question about this challenge. I know the supply list says you need rings to put it together. I don't have any, I thought I did. Am I allowed to use my Bind It All instead?
I'm glad I don't have to hunt for my food. I don't even know where sandwiches live.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Kim's Class Reveal ~ It's a Mini Album!
RiaB wrote:I have a question about this challenge. I know the supply list says you need rings to put it together. I don't have any, I thought I did. Am I allowed to use my Bind It All instead?
Yes you are! 

And anyone who has the Cinch can use it, too!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Kim's Class Reveal ~ It's a Mini Album!
RiaB wrote:This looks interesting. I was going to make a mini album for a friend at church who is having a baby girl. If I did this challenge, am I allowed to leave spaces for pictures, like the matting in place?
Ria, we are building the album.  When you put your photos in is entirely up to you.  They do not have to be in the album at all.  My album when done will not have a single photo as it is a gift for my niece to put her own pictures in.

I have a structure that I will announce during the class on the goals to finish the album.  There is a goal for the crop so you can have plenty of time to work on the challenges from the other hostesses.  Then in June I will list another goal to meet and I will sponsor a $5 GC .by random drawing.  The goal in July is to finish the album and I will sponsor another $5 GC by random drawing.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Kim's Class Reveal ~ It's a Mini Album!
killarney_rose wrote:No photos yet ladies!!!  That has to wait until Friday, May 1st!  I have to save at least one surprise!  Image

Edited:  I know this is a larger project then just a layout or card.  I was going to revel next week the goal for the crop and the extension I would offer a challenge for June and July.

Edited:  Amount of Cardstock & Number of Photos for project is below in response to jlparkmark's post an is  written in red to spot easily!

We will be making what I call "The Loaded Mini Album!"

Just on the inside covers there are spaces for up to 14 photos!  Yes 14!

Pages in this album will all be mirror images so you'll be able to move quicker.

Completely constructed from scratch.  So to be ready you'll need to cut your 12x12 chipboard into 4 pieces.6x6!  For those who have the chipboard from WRMK Page refills this is slightly larger then 12x12.  I trimmed 1/3 inch off one side with craft knife to fit in my trimmer and then cut it down to 6x6.

For those of you without the WRMK Chipboard here's the link(s)!

12x12 Bazzill Chipboard

6x6 Chipboard

Cardstock and pattern papers are your choice, I prefer a neutral cardstock and I have selected my favorite Bazzill Black O/P as I'm using bright bold papers from Basic Grey Highline.   Both outside covers are yours to create.  I love a neutral cardstock and just on the inside covers I have used 4 sheets of cardstock. I'll use just a little over a sheet on the next two pages.  The two middle pages will have approximately two sheets.  I would add a couple of sheets just in case above what I just wrote.

You'll need two album rings and a hole punch to put the album together.

Hanging items....ya'll gave me more ideas, Think of it as creating a jewelry piece to hang from the top ring of the album.  It's all your choice of how to create it.  I like a couple of things in the store that may have you thinking that there might be something in your stash that would work.

Image  These are sold out but I imagine back in store soon.  Little half inch rings.  manufacturer Art C.

Tim Holtz has some great items to hang charms, beads, etc:

ImageIdea-ology Antique Metal Loop Pins

ImageRing Fasteners

Image  Wire Pins

ImageSwivel Clasps

Adhesive on mini albums I have come to love Scor-Tape.  I like a roll of 2 inch and a roll of each increment going down in measurement to 1/4 inch.  If you choose other adhesive it is fine.  My instructions will be with Scor-Tape but you can adapt it to your adhesive.  If you decide on Scor-Tape and it is your first time using it, make sure you have some extra sheets of cardstock as it is a very unforgiving adhesive.  Once you stick it to something it is stuck!  It has eaten more cardstock and pattern paper then I can even count....LOL!  I am in love with this adhesive though!  It will add tremendous stability to light weight chipboard.  I will NEVER use anything else for constructing a mini again!  And now that I am use to it I rarely have it eat paper.

Tags:  You'll need 6 number #10 tags (4 1/8" x 8 1/2").  In the store they can be found under the brand Inkssentials. Or you can make your own.  They will be cut down to 4 1/8 x 5 7/8 inches.  I will be covering mine in cardstock!

Die-cuts to match your papers.  The number, it depends on how many you want to dress your album up..

Other embellishments is all up to you.  I am sure I'll be pulling some from my stash.

If you wish to make a closure for the album that's great!  Mine is going to a niece and I'll make another later that will go to my nephew.  Since they are 9 and 11 years old my closure will be braided Baker's Twine which will be forgiving to that age group or if lost can easily be replaced.

Your choice of ink to use on chipboard to color(s) of your cardstock.

You'll need a scoreboard or your trimmer and bone to score cardstock.

Time slot for the class is 1pm EST on Saturday, May 2nd.  Other time zones:  12pm CST; 11am MST and 10am PST 

Can I use my Bind It All for the closure? I don't have those rings and there isn't enough time to get them.
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Kim's Class Reveal ~ It's a Mini Album!
killarney_rose wrote:
RiaB wrote:I have a question about this challenge. I know the supply list says you need rings to put it together. I don't have any, I thought I did. Am I allowed to use my Bind It All instead?
Yes you are! 

And anyone who has the Cinch can use it, too!
Sweet! Thanks! I had gotten rings with mini album kits, and I've just tossed them in a drawer and used my BIA. I'm thinking Little Miss has been playing in my scrappy goodness, because those are gone and I can't find my circle cutter. She's lucky she's so stinkin' cute. :D
I'm glad I don't have to hunt for my food. I don't even know where sandwiches live.
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Cherry Blossom

killarney_rose wrote:
RiaB wrote:This looks interesting. I was going to make a mini album for a friend at church who is having a baby girl. If I did this challenge, am I allowed to leave spaces for pictures, like the matting in place?
Ria, we are building the album.  When you put your photos in is entirely up to you.  They do not have to be in the album at all.  My album when done will not have a single photo as it is a gift for my niece to put her own pictures in.

I have a structure that I will announce during the class on the goals to finish the album.  There is a goal for the crop so you can have plenty of time to work on the challenges from the other hostesses.  Then in June I will list another goal to meet and I will sponsor a $5 GC .by random drawing.  The goal in July is to finish the album and I will sponsor another $5 GC by random drawing.
That is exactly what mine is going to be, a gift. My friend is having a baby girl and I just LOVE making baby girl mini albums. They're so much fun with all the pink and the lace and the bling. :D
I'm glad I don't have to hunt for my food. I don't even know where sandwiches live.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Kim's Class Reveal ~ It's a Mini Album!
Kim--mind boggling the amount of work you put into the class/challenge!  high five!
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