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Cherry Cropper

Re: Thanksgiving is around the corner too!
Not sure what we are doing this year. All our family is within the same city so the most travel would be about 5 miles. We are considering going to the Macy's Thanksgiving parade and if so, we will have "Thanksgiving dinner" at home on the 25th (Friday) and just walk around Manhattan, Central Park, see the window displays etc and not worry about the big turkey dinner that day. Perhaps we'll go to a relative's house but nobody really knows what they are doing this year yet LOL! We have hosted T=day dinner so many years in a row, we are just winging it this year (no pun intended!) Plus, 11/25 will be our 13th wedding anniversary so that is call for a thankful dinner :inlove:
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Picker

Re: Thanksgiving is around the corner too!
My dad is 30 minutes away. It has not been decided if we will be eating at his house or mine. There will be 5 of us, Me, dd, bf, Dad, and stepmom.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Thanksgiving is around the corner too!
we go to twobugs' house. it's about 350 miles. we have a fun weekend!
Hi! I'm Rachel
My Blog: Happay Scraps
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Cherry Tart

Re: Thanksgiving is around the corner too!
Not sure yet going to one of my daughters homes,I live in a small condo and do not have room to have the get together here. They haven't got the final plans yet and they all live within 20 minutes of each other. BTW I have 4 daughters.....
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Cherry Cola

Re: Thanksgiving is around the corner too!
this year my parents rented us a house in the outer banks of nc for thanksgiving. since it is off season it is insanely cheap. so all of us, my sister and her kids, my brother and his kid and my parents (who will be coming up from florida after a 30 day cruise) will meet in NC.

So not that far maybe 280 miles
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Wild Cherry

Re: Thanksgiving is around the corner too!
Will probably be coming to my house this year...about 20. My parents, children, and grandchildren. Possibly my brother.

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