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Cherry Bing

So now what do you all want to do??
I think my brain is FRIED after all of this partying!! What would you guys like to do next?

More trivia????

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
Your trivia is cool......

but I know you are exhausted...... how about a nap lol
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Cherry Cola

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
lets have a drink and watch a movie lol.. oh yeah trivia is cool too lol.. my brain is also fried!
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Cherry Bing

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
Kara wrote:Your trivia is cool......

but I know you are exhausted...... how about a nap lol

LOL!! Not quite yet! More trivia it is!

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Cherry Picker

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
Movie and drinks....kick up your feet :)
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Cherry Addict

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
drinks and a movie sound good to me. or maybe the nap sounds better!!! haha
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Cherry Blossom

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
I'm loving your trivia!! I tend to soak up a bunch of useless knowledge!!
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Missy; Wife, Momma to three boys, and a lover of all things crafty!

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Cherry Bing

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
I want you to make that clock at the top stop!! Its giving me panic attacks!!!! I looked forward to this for so long and the stars just did not align and I ended up with a house full of sick kids/dh, work on Saturday, a baseball game at 7pm yesterday and Mother's Day events today!!! I feel like I missed the whole darn crop!!!
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Susan Zennario - NJ
Mommy of Johnny (20), Matt (14) and Susie (12)
My Blog - Paper Daisy Dreams
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Cherry Bing

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
paperqueen wrote:I'm loving your trivia!! I tend to soak up a bunch of useless knowledge!!

I LOVE trivia too!!!

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
I want to eat! But then again I always want to eat...
**Crystal** Scrapping, knitting mama to 3 girls!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
I just had a little nap
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Cherry Bing

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
SWAY2865 wrote:I just had a little nap

jealous!! :winkb:

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
I've loved the music-related games like Don't Forget the Lyrics. Scrappy word scrambles are always fun too!
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Cherry Cola

Re: So now what do you all want to do??
MamaK321 wrote:drinks and a movie sound good to me. or maybe the nap sounds better!!! haha
lol hey lets have drinks watch a movie and then all take a nap lol!
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