Great idea to update this with all the new Cherries!!
Would love more scrappy friends! I do afternoon scrap zooms on Tuesday, Wednesday and sometimes Thursdays with other scrappers I have met online!
It was probably the thing that got me through the pandemic! I was home all day with the dog and cat and hubby works a lot! I also sell Pampered Chef so I do a lot of Vendor Events with consultants from other companies. Its not just about making sales. Its playing games, seeing who has what and getting deals! It has helped
me get some interesting Christmas gifts too!
Ann Landwher -- hope to see you on FB!!!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!

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I once used Facebook, but over time I realized that this social network is not quite right for me. Personally, I prefer Instagram more. I don't really like many Facebook features, for example, foreigners from very distant countries who don't even speak English constantly write to me and Facebook itself offers to add them as friends. I do not know these people, why do I need this. On Instagram, all strangers are not in your sight. Even when you have a lot of followers, you can be calm about it and no one will invade your field of vision. A friend of mine got followers from 1394TA and hundreds of people from his followers remained only among his comments, and not in his direct messages. I think this is due to the fact that people from third world countries do not use Instagram.
Last edited by RosmenGelik on Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Your scrap Zoom sessions sound like a fantastic way to stay connected, while pets and hobbies can keep us company when our loved ones are busy. Try using some social media and uploading more quality videos of you playing! I'm sure a lot of people will find it interesting. You might need some help at the beginning with cheap real Instagram comments. But then I'm sure you'll succeed!
MAN! I didn't use Facebook for a while because it got to be too much drama! Lol now I have a handful of friends that I actually talk to, my family, and Scrapbook groups! Lol !