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Cherry Picker

Re: What makes you happy right now?
1. My son is feeling better and sleeping (had croup Friday night and ended up in the ER)
2. My husband is letting my scrap today!

3. Preschool starts in one month and I finally get some time to myself after 4 years:)

4. Football season is right around the corner

5. The weather has finally cooled off into the high 80s and we can play outside.
Independent Close to My Heart Consultant
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What makes you happy right now?
1. The thought of my DD coming home at the end of the month, she's been gone all summer.
2. My son is staying with us for a few days. :-D
3. i'm off of work tomorrow.
4. My 15 year Anniversary at work was yesterday.
5 Starting the house buying process.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What makes you happy right now?
I have so much to be happy about!

1. My youngest son and DIL are expecting a daughter due any time now!!!! This will be my 3rd grand daughter which is great since I had 3 boys, lol.

2. My DH job is going very well, and even though I will miss him, he has been asked to work alot of OT, which is always a blessing.

3. My personal health is stable for now, have made it almost 2 months with NO doctor or hospital!!!!!!

4. It is beautiful and sunny outside after several days of rain, the sun always makes me smile!

5. I am loving all the challenges in this crop, getting to scrap alot of the photos from when my 2 oldest grand daughters visited. Making me smile!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: What makes you happy right now?
montana_girl wrote:2 - My boyfriend who went away for the weekend told me he picked up some scrappy paper for me -- can't wait until he gets home! :-D

Now for me that would be SCARY! :-D I hope he has good taste. I'm not sure what the heck my husband would bring home for me... LOL!

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3 Pals

Cherry Bomb

Re: What makes you happy right now?
1. Seeing a new pic of grandaughter (I'd be happier if they lived closer)
2. I have a half day on Friday

3. Going to Maine next weekend

4. Kids gave me a Wii for my 50th - I really wanted it to help ME fit into my shorts again :-D it doesn't help that I did have bacon this morning - but

that made me happy, for a few minutes anyway - LOL
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: What makes you happy right now?
scrappie_stacie wrote:
montana_girl wrote:2 - My boyfriend who went away for the weekend told me he picked up some scrappy paper for me -- can't wait until he gets home! :-D

Now for me that would be SCARY! :-D I hope he has good taste. I'm not sure what the heck my husband would bring home for me... LOL!

Hey, we already had the ugly paper challenge for you. What more do you want!!!

Hopefully Stacy won't need another to get rid of it, LOL

And 9 miles Stacy? GREAT job! Are you training for a race?
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Cherry Bomb

Re: What makes you happy right now?
Ashjoy wrote:DD going to her first choice school, accepted as one of only 2 in the Science/pre-med program on a $70K scholarhip (can you say proud!)

That is HUGE.... congrats!!!

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Cherry Picker

Re: What makes you happy right now?
What makes me happy right now?

1. Knowing I have a girls night next week with an old friend I see only a few times a year.
2. Knowing I am going to see Lady Antebellum in concert at the end of the week.
3. Laundry is half done today..
4. I have the greatest nieces and nephews to spoil every chance I get....
5. in five days the work week will be over again :)
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Cherry Tart

Re: What makes you happy right now?
1. I found the email I used for my old account ... I get to be Gidget again!

2. My boyfriend brought me the Sunday paper on his way home!

3. All three of my children have made into to college!

4. I am employed with benefits.

5. I've rediscovered a love for cooking!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: What makes you happy right now?
1. My DH does the food shopping, coupons and all!
2. 3 of my kiddos are nicely watching a movie together right now so I can be here for a few minutes!

3. We're going to visit my family in Maine in two weeks!

4. New backpacks and school clothes since all of my kiddos start some kind of school this year!

5. Diet Coke ;)
Aimee - Mommy to Drew (6), Carter, Brenna, and Emily (3)
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Cherry Tart

Re: What makes you happy right now?
I have free time today to read
I don't have to work today

I have a good movie to watch tonight

I have time to work on getting my scrap room in order today

I don't have to cook tonight
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Cherry Tart

Re: What makes you happy right now?
1. How great our kids 13y and 10y are turning out!
2. School started aug 2 and kids love it/made friends!

3. we all like our new duty station schools, DH work, home!

4. Gorgeous sunny day outside!

5. I have all day to scrap and play with ACOT!
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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: What makes you happy right now?
1. It's a beautiful day
2. Two of my grandkids are coming over in a while

3. We're getting a new bed next week, finally

4. I've been having fun planning #3 DD's baby shower

5. #2 DD is starting my Christmas shopping for me
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Cherry Cola

Re: What makes you happy right now?
1. My Bro and SIL are expecting a baby
2. I just got a new used car that I love

3. My friend returned to work after a year long medical leave to fight her breast cancer and she is doing fabulous

4. I said NO to my mom and I have stuck to it so far

5. It is summer....nuff said!
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