In this class I will be showing you how to make a custom 12x12 book with 3 tabbed dividers and pockets to keep your child's school projects/memorabilia in. It will be easy to use a 3 hole punch in the future and just add anything you wish to keep.
Here is a quick shot of the finished product. (I had in my mind "Grade 5" or whatever as the title, then realized that it wouldnt work for my daughter's first kindergarten year, so I modified it.

12x12 black boards for the cover

large black rings for binding. Feel free to use whatever rings you want, but I like these because they are large, and I am anticipating a lot of stuff that will need to fit in this book.

Large chipboard - you will need
THREE of these. But you are welcome to use other chipboard, or even cardboard if you are on a tight budget. Beware though, that cardboard will not be as durable as these.

Cardstock - you will need
3 blue, 3 black and 3 red pieces of cardstock. Here are recommendations.

Black ink

liquid glue: i used zip dry and mod podge

a hole punch or crop o dile (I used my big bite)

I used my T-square - a cheap plastic one that I got in the art section of ACMoore, and a pencil.
An exacto knife or craft knife
A star punch would be very handy, but not necessary