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Inspired by October - A Recipe Chlg (Koala1966)

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:27 pm
by koala1966
Sorry I'm late to the party! I have my challenge, are you ready for it?

Inspired by October - A Recipe Challenge

October is a fun month - temperatures drop, houses are decorated, people are running around in costumes, kids are firmly entrenched in school leaving the theme park lines in a more manageable state... :bluelol: Here is the recipe inspired by the month of October. You must use all of these items on your page. You can use more than what is listed, but not less.

- The color black - dark nights for trick or treating, black cats, witches hats, black is a signature color of this spooky month
- Something Scary - we just returned from staying at a haunted B&B in the Keys, fitting for this time of year. Think bats, spiders, googly eyes peering out from the night, a full moon, a black cat... include something scary on your layout (or you can make the theme of the layout "something scary")
- Leaves - I think in the north most of your leaves have fallen to the ground, so we should probably make up for that by using leaves on this layout (faux, real, stickers, rubons, etc.)
- Crinkled Paper - Windy days make for messy hair, so let's try some messy paper as well. Crinkle/crumple up some paper and use it on this layout (can be cardstock or patterned paper)
- The letter N - October is my sister Nicole's birthday month, so let's see the letter N somewhere on your layout

Enjoy! I'll choose a winner from all submissions for a $5 gift certificate, so post your layouts back here.

Re: Inspired by October - A Recipe Chlg (Koala1966)

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:04 pm
by Art_Teacher
Wow! Save the hardest for last, huh Tania?!

Re: Inspired by October - A Recipe Chlg (Koala1966)

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:34 pm
by koala1966
Art_Teacher wrote:Wow! Save the hardest for last, huh Tania?!

LOL, sorry, I meant to post it this morning.