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Cherry Crush

2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
Hello, Cherries!  Christmas is only 73 days away!  It will be here before you know it!  How would you like to participate in a Christmas ornament exchange here on the MB with your fellow Cherries?

Here is everything you need to know:

1.  Sign-ups are now open and will close on October 15, 2023 at midnight!  Please sign up on this thread, and then send me a PM with your name and mailing address.

2.  On or around October 16, you will receive a PM from me indicating which Cherry you are purchasing an ornament for.

3.  If you choose to sign up and play, please be sure to answer the questions at the end of this post.  This way you will get to know the likes and dislikes of your Chosen Cherry!

4.  With regard to the cost of the ornaments, there is no maximum and no minimum.  There are ornaments in all price ranges.  Just be sure that the ornament you purchase is something your gal will truly enjoy.  In years past, some Cherries have sent more than one ornament to their assigned gal.  However you want to handle it is up to you and your budget!

5.  ALL ORNAMENTS SHOULD BE RECEIVED BY DECEMBER 5, 2023!  This will give us Cherries ample time to display and enjoy our ornaments. 

6.  If for some reason you sign up and then decide that you can't play for whatever reason, please PM me as soon as possible so that I can make alternate plans.   Also, if life gets in the way and your package is late to go out or will be delayed for any reason at all, be sure to PM me as soon as possible.  Hey, life happens -- and we ALL know that.  We all understand when things go wrong, but we also want to be sure everyone is kept in the loop and no one is left without an ornament.  Communication is key!

7.  This Christmas Ornament Exchange is not sponsored or endorsed by ACOT in any way.

8.  Have fun!

Any other questions or comment?  Just let me know!

🍒 🎄 🎅   Cherry Christmas Elves  🎅 🎄 🍒

1.  Laura (Flasher)

Christmas Ornament Exchange Information

1. What colors do you decorate your tree with during the holidays?  If you only have a gold tree, let us know.  If you only use red and green, let us now!  We want to make you happy!

2.  Does your Christmas Tree have a theme?  Maybe it's Star Wars, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's travel.   If so, what is it?

3.  What is your decorating style . . . traditional, formal, primitive, country, hodge podge?

4.  Do you have any collections on your tree?

5.  Is there anything or any color you would not like to see on your tree?  If so, be sure to tell us!

6.  Anything else?  Whatever you want us to know about your Christmas Tree and decorating style, let us know!
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Crush

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
I'm in!

1.  I have two main trees.  The first (family) tree I decorate with all colors!  My second Pink tree is pink!  The rest of my home decorating is virtually all red and green!

2.  My tree does not have a theme.  Anything goes and is welcome on my tree (except for that awful thing mentioned in #5). 

3.  My decorating style is . . . anything goes!  I love traditional, country, hodge podge, retro, etc.  I love tracking down older ornaments from the 60's and 70's!

4.  There are no collections on my tree.

5.  I . . . hate . . . snowmen.  HATE them.  It's completely irrational and my reasons are petty, but I simply hate them.  So please, do not send me a snowman.  I won't like it even if it's pink.  And when I say SNOWMAN, I mean a snowman of any kind -- made out of seashells or candy or other items. 

6.  Stay away from snowmen and Flasher will be happy!
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Bomb

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
Laura wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:16 pm
Hello, Cherries!  Christmas is only 95 days away!  It will be here before you know it!  How would you like to participate in a Christmas ornament exchange here on the MB with your fellow Cherries?

Here is everything you need to know:

1.  Sign-ups are now open and will close on October 15, 2023 at midnight!  Please sign up on this thread, and then send me a PM with your name and mailing address.

2.  On or around October 16, you will receive a PM from me indicating which Cherry you are purchasing an ornament for.

3.  If you choose to sign up and play, please be sure to answer the questions at the end of this post.  This way you will get to know the likes and dislikes of your Chosen Cherry!

4.  With regard to the cost of the ornaments, there is no maximum and no minimum.  There are ornaments in all price ranges.  Just be sure that the ornament you purchase is something your gal will truly enjoy.  In years past, some Cherries have sent more than one ornament to their assigned gal.  However you want to handle it is up to you and your budget!

5.  ALL ORNAMENTS SHOULD BE RECEIVED BY DECEMBER 5, 2023!  This will give us Cherries ample time to display and enjoy our ornaments. 

6.  If for some reason you sign up and then decide that you can't play for whatever reason, please PM me as soon as possible so that I can make alternate plans.   Also, if life gets in the way and your package is late to go out or will be delayed for any reason at all, be sure to PM me as soon as possible.  Hey, life happens -- and we ALL know that.  We all understand when things go wrong, but we also want to be sure everyone is kept in the loop and no one is left without an ornament.  Communication is key!

7.  This Christmas Ornament Exchange is not sponsored or endorsed by ACOT in any way.

8.  Have fun!

Any other questions or comment?  Just let me know!

🍒 🎄 🎅   Cherry Christmas Elves  🎅 🎄 🍒

1.  Laura (Flasher)

Christmas Ornament Exchange Information

1. What colors do you decorate your tree with during the holidays?  If you only have a gold tree, let us know.  If you only use red and green, let us now!  We want to make you happy! I USE MULTI LIGHTS AND MY ORANMENTS VARY IN COLOR

2.  Does your Christmas Tree have a theme?  Maybe it's Star Wars, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's travel.   If so, what is it? NO

3.  What is your decorating style . . . traditional, formal, primitive, country, hodge podge? HODGE PODGE

4.  Do you have any collections on your tree? BOYD BEARS IS THE ONLY THEME I HAVE

5.  Is there anything or any color you would not like to see on your tree?  If so, be sure to tell us! SORRY LAURA PINK

6.  Anything else?  Whatever you want us to know about your Christmas Tree and decorating style, let us know! I LOVE GLASS ORANMENTS THE MORE DAINTY THE BETTER..........

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Cherry Bark

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
I'm in! I've always enjoyed participating in this in the past.

1. What colors do you decorate your tree with during the holidays?  If you only have a gold tree, let us know.  If you only use red and green, let us now!  We want to make you happy! I have one 7 ft tree and its fake. I always use the same lights (the multi-colored ones).

2.  Does your Christmas Tree have a theme?  Maybe it's Star Wars, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's travel.   If so, what is it? No true theme, however, I have enough dog and cat ornaments to decorate it in a Fur-Kid theme   🐾 🐾

3.  What is your decorating style . . . traditional, formal, primitive, country, hodge podge? I tend to lean towards hodge podge

4.  Do you have any collections on your tree? No real collections. If I like it, I buy it.

5.  Is there anything or any color you would not like to see on your tree?  If so, be sure to tell us! I'm not religious at all, so please no crosses or anything leaning towards religion. As for colors, no neon colors please. LOL

6.  Anything else?  Whatever you want us to know about your Christmas Tree and decorating style, let us know! You can't go wrong with anything that has paw prints, cats, dogs, Texas! I also love wine and coffee.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Addict

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
u]Christmas Ornament Exchange Information[/u]

1. What colors do you decorate your tree with during the holidays?  If you only have a gold tree, let us know.  If you only use red and green, let us now!  We want to make you happy!

Any colors.

2.  Does your Christmas Tree have a theme?  Maybe it's Star Wars, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's travel.   If so, what is it?

I have many themes. Nativities, schnauzer : dogs, realistic food ornaments. With my husband being blind he can really see and feel the detail. Also Angels.

3.  What is your decorating style . . . traditional, formal, primitive, country, hodge podge?

Pretty much anything.

4.  Do you have any collections on your tree?

See #2
5.  Is there anything or any color you would not like to see on your tree?  If so, be sure to tell us!

6.  Anything else?  Whatever you want us to know about your Christmas Tree and decorating style, let us know!
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
Please sign me up! This is going to be great!

Christmas Ornament Exchange Information

1. What colors do you decorate your tree with during the holidays?  If you only have a gold tree, let us know.  If you only use red and green, let us now!  We want to make you happy! I usually decorate with red, gold, white and wood accents

2.  Does your Christmas Tree have a theme?  Maybe it's Star Wars, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's travel.   If so, what is it? No theme. I decorate with a rustic flare

3.  What is your decorating style . . . traditional, formal, primitive, country, hodge podge? My style is traditional rustic

4.  Do you have any collections on your tree? We get an ornament every year to commemorate the most impactful moment of that year. I love vintage ornaments and I dont have many b/c we focus on finding our annual ornament

5.  Is there anything or any color you would not like to see on your tree?  If so, be sure to tell us! nope

6.  Anything else?  Whatever you want us to know about your Christmas Tree and decorating style, let us know! I end up writing the date on ornaments so it would be awesome if this ornament had the date in it or a little something to remind me who it was from. We are also huge Miami Dolphin fans and I put up our Miami Dolphis Christmas Town every year!
Doing all the crafty things.

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Cherry Bing

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
I’m in, I loved this last year!

Christmas Ornament Exchange Information

1. What colors do you decorate your tree with during the holidays?  If you only have a gold tree, let us know.  If you only use red and green, let us now!  We want to make you happy! - I have all colors on my tree.

2.  Does your Christmas Tree have a theme?  Maybe it's Star Wars, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's travel.   If so, what is it? No real theme, lots of dogs and cats, personalized and ornaments from our travels. 

3.  What is your decorating style . . . traditional, formal, primitive, country, hodge podge? A mix of traditional and Hodge podge. 

4.  Do you have any collections on your tree? No 

5.  Is there anything or any color you would not like to see on your tree?  If so, be sure to tell us! I can’t think of anything.

6.  Anything else?  Whatever you want us to know about your Christmas Tree and decorating style, let us know! I love rustic, camping… wilderness. I have a Christmas Village that I set up, love trains, all snowmen type things have a home on my hutch…really I love any and everything related to Christmas.
Kim Breaux
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
I’m so excited!!!!!! I LOVED this last year!!! Looking forward to it again!!!

Christmas Ornament Exchange Information

1. What colors do you decorate your tree with during the holidays? If you only have a gold tree, let us know. If you only use red and green, let us now! We want to make you happy! My tree is full of a collection of ornaments that I’ve collected since the first grade! A few match each other but mostly they’re all completely different.

2. Does your Christmas Tree have a theme? Maybe it's Star Wars, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's travel. If so, what is it? No themes.

3. What is your decorating style . . . traditional, formal, primitive, country, hodge podge? My style is kind of eclectic.

4. Do you have any collections on your tree? No but I collect snowmen (and ladies and kids…) lol!

5. Is there anything or any color you would not like to see on your tree? If so, be sure to tell us! No I don’t think so…

6. Anything else? Whatever you want us to know about your Christmas Tree and decorating style, let us know! If all works the way we hope it will well be moving into our new house sometime around Thanksgiving. I’ll have a lot more to decorate than I have in 7 years! And eventually I’ll have a new scrap room all organized and put together. The theme in there will be pink flamingos. Most of the rest of the house will have a beach type theme as we live on a saltwater lagoon.
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Cherry Bing

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
1. What colors do you decorate your tree with during the holidays?  I use multi colors.

2.  Does your Christmas Tree have a theme?  Maybe it's Star Wars, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's travel.   If so, what is it? No, theme.

3.  What is your decorating style . . . traditional, formal, primitive, country, hodge podge? I guess it would be hodge podge.

4.  Do you have any collections on your tree?  I do like old world Santa's.

5.  Is there anything or any color you would not like to see on your tree?  If so, be sure to tell us!  Nope, all colors are welcome.

6.  Anything else?  Whatever you want us to know about your Christmas Tree and decorating style, let us know!
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Cherry Addict

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
Laura wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:16 pm
Hello, Cherries!  Christmas is only 95 days away!  It will be here before you know it!  How would you like to participate in a Christmas ornament exchange here on the MB with your fellow Cherries?

Here is everything you need to know:

1.  Sign-ups are now open and will close on October 15, 2023 at midnight!  Please sign up on this thread, and then send me a PM with your name and mailing address.

2.  On or around October 16, you will receive a PM from me indicating which Cherry you are purchasing an ornament for.

3.  If you choose to sign up and play, please be sure to answer the questions at the end of this post.  This way you will get to know the likes and dislikes of your Chosen Cherry!

4.  With regard to the cost of the ornaments, there is no maximum and no minimum.  There are ornaments in all price ranges.  Just be sure that the ornament you purchase is something your gal will truly enjoy.  In years past, some Cherries have sent more than one ornament to their assigned gal.  However you want to handle it is up to you and your budget!

5.  ALL ORNAMENTS SHOULD BE RECEIVED BY DECEMBER 5, 2023!  This will give us Cherries ample time to display and enjoy our ornaments. 

6.  If for some reason you sign up and then decide that you can't play for whatever reason, please PM me as soon as possible so that I can make alternate plans.   Also, if life gets in the way and your package is late to go out or will be delayed for any reason at all, be sure to PM me as soon as possible.  Hey, life happens -- and we ALL know that.  We all understand when things go wrong, but we also want to be sure everyone is kept in the loop and no one is left without an ornament.  Communication is key!

7.  This Christmas Ornament Exchange is not sponsored or endorsed by ACOT in any way.

8.  Have fun!

Any other questions or comment?  Just let me know!

🍒 🎄 🎅   Cherry Christmas Elves  🎅 🎄 🍒

1.  Laura (Flasher)

Christmas Ornament Exchange Information

1. What colors do you decorate your tree with during the holidays?  If you only have a gold tree, let us know.  If you only use red and green, let us now!  We want to make you happy!

2.  Does your Christmas Tree have a theme?  Maybe it's Star Wars, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's travel.   If so, what is it?

3.  What is your decorating style . . . traditional, formal, primitive, country, hodge podge?

4.  Do you have any collections on your tree?

5.  Is there anything or any color you would not like to see on your tree?  If so, be sure to tell us!

6.  Anything else?  Whatever you want us to know about your Christmas Tree and decorating style, let us know!

I spoke to Flora and she wants to join. I sent you her address and I will get the information about her tree posted.

Her first tree is a Tiffany blue tree with crystal ornaments. and bows.

Her second tree is decorated with red, green, gold and all her kids ornaments from growing up.

As far as color, she likes traditional Christmas colors.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
I'm in!!

1. What colors do you decorate your tree with during the holidays?  If you only have a gold tree, let us know.  If you only use red and green, let us now!  We want to make you happy!
There is a hodge podge of ornaments on it  - so really anything other than pink.

2.  Does your Christmas Tree have a theme?  Maybe it's Star Wars, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's travel.   If so, what is it?  No theme.  We get ornaments from wherever we go on vacation, ornaments for things that we do during the year... hobbies, anything!

3.  What is your decorating style . . . traditional, formal, primitive, country, hodge podge?  HODGE PODGE all the way!  

4.  Do you have any collections on your tree?  Just ornaments from where we have been on vacations.

5.  Is there anything or any color you would not like to see on your tree?  If so, be sure to tell us!  No pink.

6.  Anything else?  Whatever you want us to know about your Christmas Tree and decorating style, let us know! I love vintage.  Favorite colors are blues and jadeite green... I love possums, mice and cats.  
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Cherry Delight

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
Sure. I’m in. Sounds fun!

I am very traditional and country. My tree is always real. I like deep reds/dark greens. No pink, purple, orange etc.
I like cowboy/farm stuff. Nothing cutesy or cartoonish.
I don’t mind Victorian or Vintage.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: 2023 Christmas Ornament Exchange
Hello Cherries. This is exciting. I have already gifted my sweet cherry her ornament. I apologize for the delay. Here is my answers.

1. What colors do you decorate your tree with during the holidays? If you only have a gold tree, let us know. If you only use red and green, let us now! We want to make you happy!

I have two trees that I decorate each year. One is a Tiffany inspired tree with Tiffany blue, black, white and all crystal/glass ornaments. My second tree is a traditional tree with handmade ornaments from my kids. The colors are reds, greens, and gold.

2. Does your Christmas Tree have a theme? Maybe it's Star Wars, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's travel. If so, what is it?
Tiffany and company for my first tree. For my second is Christmas traditional.

3. What is your decorating style . . . traditional, formal, primitive, country, hodge podge?
Traditional on one tree and very bling on the second tree

4. Do you have any collections on your tree?
Yes on my traditional tree is all handmade from my children and Christmas bears. On my second tree glass present boxes.

5. Is there anything or any color you would not like to see on your tree? If so, be sure to tell us! I am not a fan of purples, pinks, oranges

6. Anything else? Whatever you want us to know about your Christmas Tree and decorating style, let us know!

I am very drawn to winter themed style of decorating. Fur rugs, icicles, white lights, candles, wood and white fur stocking. Clean and simple design 😉 not a surprise there lol
Always grateful for this journey, Flora

Instagram @mycreativerootscrafts

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