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Well it's time...

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:08 pm
by pawprints
...for me to go and have something to eat with my sweet dh and watch some tv together. I want to say thank you to the entire CT for all the wonderful fun, and I also want to say how in awe I am of all of you that participate in the fast scraps! I am a slow scrapper and a deadline like that would just get me all nervous, in fact just seeing the words "fast scrap" listed in the recent topics side bar makes me feel all jittery lol. But I do look in the threads and I am so impressed with what you gals can churn out so quickly. Your creativity just flows out and I admire how well you do it under pressure!

So even tho I didn't get any scrapping done, I had a blast, won a bunch of points, AND became a Cherry Bomb!! It was awesome and I enjoyed playing with all you wonderful Cherries! Good night all and thanks again for all the fun!