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Cherry Tart

Doodlebug Doily Share
So, I really want the Doodlebug doilies in every color, but each pack has 75.  I will never use that many so I was wondering if there was any interest to split them 3 ways?  I would just need two people to agree.  Let me know if anyone is interested.  Thanks :)
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Doodlebug Doily Share
I'd be interested in sharing some packages with you!  I'll have to go check them out.  You might want to move this to the general forum or scrapbooking talk.  I'm not sure it showed up in the side bar and might have been overlooked.

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Cherry Garcia

Re: Doodlebug Doily Share
I have the bubblegum pink and the black with white polkadots if you want to swap.  I would love to see some of your scrap pages done with the doilies!  
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