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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Treasure hunt game
 Will we get a second chance?
I don't think what I pm'd is right...I think #6 is still leaving me in the dark
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Treasure hunt game
 Stumped and feeling really dumb...bahhhhhh.....
...a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest
act of caring, ALL... have the potential to turn a life around.-Leo Buscaglia
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Treasure hunt game
 I need extra is the word? Brain fuzzy from these clues. So 1 out of 8 ain't bad, huh?
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Cherry Addict

Re: Treasure hunt game
 btt with winners! :)
SUS ImageImageImage
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Treasure hunt game
 Thanks Sus!

Not too much thinking, just too much over thinking!
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Treasure hunt game
 I was close, but just could not figure the CROP out.  This is what I had.

A ppleton Alpha                 C hestnut Ink PadO utdoors Multi Rain DropsD inosaur Word Rub  (t?)                           C elebrate Star paperA ppleO rganizerA merican Pinwheels

Always make time for SCRAPPING!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Treasure hunt game
 Boy, that one was a challenge, but I will tell you that I found some new scrapbook stuff I MUST have! 
Miami Mom
"Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God." K.B.
  • Toby rocks!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Treasure hunt game
 I must have been overthing this, lol! I couldn't get the TRAIN rub ons for the life of me, or the Organizer one. Congrats to the winners!!!! Neat game Sus, I look forward to it again at the next crop ;)
...a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest
act of caring, ALL... have the potential to turn a life around.-Leo Buscaglia
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