I'm a little confused as to when the challenges end?? I thought I read somewhere that we have til tomorrow, but now re-reading some of this, it looks like a few are over??? Can someone clarify please? Thanks!
Official end time is noon est tomorrow. (well, today). But, many said midnight....

Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
There were two kinds of scrappy things happenning. Fast Scraps & Challenges. Fast Scraps had to be completed in one hour, those are probably the one's you're talking about. CHALLENGES are due tomrrow at Noon Eastern.

On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
Ok thanks!!! I feel better now... I was thinking that I was doing challenges, which is cool, but that the time frame was up at midnight tonite! PHEW! Now I'll go do some more!
Thought I'd better come back and say that I meant MONDAY. Didn't think about it being after midnight when I posted. So challenges are due Noon Eastern on MONDAY Aug 25th (today)
Have fuN!
Have fuN!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.