How did you find ACOT??
On a message board last fall!
What technique would you like to learn?
How to use a transparency! I really have no clue!
How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
I like to use one photo the best. Two or more sometimes gives me fits.
Are you into digital or paper layouts?
What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
The next page I'll be working on are some small portraits of my maternal grandfather. They are wallet size and in a folder my Mom gave me with some wonderful pictures and memorabilia of my him. The pictures would have been taken when he was a professor at NYU and the most recent of when he was Dean of the Graduate and Undergraduate School of Business at NYU. Now called Stern School of Business.
Do you have your own scrap room?
No, I have my own 12 x 24 scrap building which is being renovated from our first office building to a scrap studio. My husband had it moved to the ranch from Houston.
Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?
Yes to both. I've been scrapping for 2 1/2 years and have attended 70% of the crops our group has since I first started to scrap. I love them. My group gets together this Saturday and next month is our yearly retreat. My first online crop was here this past weekend (NSD '09). Very confusing for me as I didn't have anyone to show me the ropes. Next one will be better.....and I AM SO HOOKED!
I had an interesting way of finding out about the crop online. I had not been to a cherry on top since I found it because I moved from our Angleton home to our ranch to work with our cattle show string. I had a very slow moving air card so I pretty much only checked email. I've been on Satellite DSL for about two weeks. Lost my mojo last Wednesday night and came to scroll through product and find cherries to see if any product would jog the brain. I thought I'd try it out the crop. I had a ball! Thank you!
What gives you the creeps?
I love toads, frogs and snakes basically love all animals. Ok so I'm weird! If it isn't poisonous or will kill me I'll sure hold it. But what really gives me the creeps is the very thought of eating frogs legs. The other thing I can't stand and I think it comes from summer swim team practice as a kid, June bugs in the hair. I could never understand why we couldn't stay in the AC to practice.
Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Let's see it is currently 1:13 am CST....yeah night-owl! Drives my DH nuts! He's a real early-bird.
What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
Well I'm not a heavy drinker now. If I've been out all day on the ranch I enjoy a hot coffee, cocoa, or tea on the porch in the winter. When it gets warmer I enjoy I love a cool glass of ice tea on the porch swing. If I'm into treating myself when we go out to eat which isn't often I love to have a margarita or a glass of wine. Now in college it was a whole different story....five o'clock I was eating dinner, six o'clock in the shower, eight o'clock in the bar. Class every semester at 8:00am....the life of an Agriculture Economics major. I seem fixated on college the last couple of months. I've been on Facebook for about two years when I realized I could find a friend I lost touch with through her son. All college age kids on Facebook right, mine were. It worked. I'd sign on every so often. One of my other sorority sisters found me. That was 18 months ago. Then two months ago it was like all of my sorority sisters were on Facebook. We've been catching up and posting pictures from 30 years ago....just having a ball communicating with each other again. Then our big brothers started to show up as well...oh are they a riot!