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Bowl Full of Cherries

prima metal doily #1 and #2
#1 eyelet scallop & #2 pineapple are the 2 that says out of stock. Do you when they will be back in stock? thanks!!
- joannie

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Clint Bremer

ACOT Employee

Re: prima metal doily #1 and #2
joannie wrote:#1 eyelet scallop & #2 pineapple are the 2 that says out of stock. Do you when they will be back in stock? thanks!!
I'm so sorry!  We just checked on these and this is what we came across:     Discontinued no longer available from manufacturerImage Sorry about that.  You may be able to find them on Ebay or

Clint Bremer - General Manager
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: prima metal doily #1 and #2
Thanks Clint!
- joannie

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