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Cherry Cropper

Lily Bee
Will you be getting their new lines? I am dying for the We Are Family enamel pieces. :)

On a side note, I seem to be the queen of product requests, lately!!

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Cherry Addict

Re: Lily Bee
I LOVE everything Lily Bee! I hope they do!!!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Lily Bee
I love Lily Bee too!! Got to check it out.
** Chris **

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Clint Bremer

ACOT Employee

Re: Lily Bee
They are on the buy list. So it looks like we will be picking them up.
Clint Bremer - General Manager
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Lily Bee
I was trying to keep their website stable on my iPad yesterday.....did not work! So didn't see their new stuff!

But on 'puter now. I ususally love to match Lilly Bee with other things. Not wild about either line but like a few papers as usual!!! But loving the embellishment hoarder in me with the Wood Veneers and Flairs of 'We are Family.'
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