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Looking for Girls Paperie On Holiday-Vintage Travel paper

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:58 pm
by InSearchOf
I really need to find a piece of paper from The Girls' Paperie On Holiday collection and the paper is called Vintage Travel.

I know it's older, but I really, really need to find it.

Here is a link to a picture of this paper: ... age+Travel

Does anyone know where I could locate this paper? I would really appreciate it, and would pay a good price for it.



Re: Looking for Girls Paperie On Holiday-Vintage Travel pape

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:33 pm
by Clint Bremer
I will check on this and get back to you. This is an old, old line. I'd try ebay and amazon as well.

Re: Looking for Girls Paperie On Holiday-Vintage Travel pape

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:00 am
by Clint Bremer
I'm sorry, this paper is sold out and has been discontinued. We can not get any more of it in stock. I'm sorry! ... 4857610177

Here is a link for a collection pack. Good luck! It's a buy it now price of $14.99