Define adult! lol True, if you're using age. False, if you use behavior lol.
The next cherry uses a laptop exclusively rather than a desktop.
False; Sunday is my lazy day and I don't know what I'm going to get accomplished.
The next cherry knows how to drive a stick shift car.
The next cherry knows how to drive a stick shift car.
True, but I do not enjoy it a lot. My bf taught me when I was in the 11th grade about a million years ago!
TNC is going to church today.
TNC is going to church today.
False- I've alreay up since 3am and gone to work and back, but now I'm going to be lazy the rest of the day.
the next cherry is going to the river today
the next cherry is going to the river today
False. Been up for awhile.
The next cherry uses a crock pot at least once a week.
The next cherry uses a crock pot at least once a week.