Anyone who knows me, knows I love a good sketch! But, have you ever made your own sketches? The Art_Teacher is challenging you to a Create-a-sketch and Scrap Challenge!
First, I want you to choose a favorite layout of yours in your gallery. Then, create a sketch based on that layout. Your sketch can be digital or hand-drawn and photographed/scanned. Post your sketch here on this thread. Next, you must scrap a layout using the sketch of the person who posted before you. Easy!

Upload the sketch you made, and your layout using the previous person's sketch in the gallery spot provided by midnight on July 5th to be entered in the prize drawing. Be sure to tell us whose sketch it was.

Bonus: I will give you a second entry in the drawing if you do a 2nd layout scrapping my sketch. (The person who gets mine in the line-up can choose another one from the thread to scrap.)
Here is my layout from which I drew my sketch, and my sketch.