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Cherry Crush

June GD Challenge #1 *WINNER*
This was pretty fun, if not confusing.  lol  I am going to make a layout based off of Jill's sketch, since she was last and nobody did hers. :)  Randomly drawn winner of the $5 gift card from ACOT is Flasher!  I will let Heidi know and you should get it soon.

Anyone who knows me, knows I love a good sketch!  But, have you ever made your own sketches?  The Art_Teacher is challenging you to a Create-a-sketch and Scrap Challenge!

First, I want you to choose a favorite layout of yours in your gallery.  Then, create a sketch based on that layout.  Your sketch can be digital or hand-drawn and photographed/scanned.  Post your sketch here on this thread.  Next, you must scrap a layout using the sketch of the person who posted before you.  Easy! :)  Motivation to be the first one to get your sketch done, because you get to use my sketch!  lol  If you have any questions, let me know.

Upload the sketch you made, and your layout using the previous person's sketch in the gallery spot provided by midnight on July 5th to be entered in the prize drawing.  Be sure to tell us whose sketch it was. :)  Must be a new layout.  Can be combined with one other challenge that allows combining. 

Bonus:  I will give you a second entry in the drawing if you do a 2nd layout scrapping my sketch.  (The person who gets mine in the line-up can choose another one from the thread to scrap.)

Here is my layout from which I drew my sketch, and my sketch. :)

Image  (Your sketch can be in black and white...I just used color because it was easy with digi!)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: June GD Challenge #1
Here is my sketch and layout it is based on.
The popcorn looking part is meant to be embellishment. LOL!

And here is my take on your sketch
I did Deanna13’s sketch for the bonus.
Melissa H.

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Cherry Bomb

Re: June GD Challenge #1
This should be fun.
I have made a sketch from my layout and I will be making a new layout from the sketch lissahope26 made.
This is the layout I made using Melissa's sketch above:
Here is my sketch for the next challenge taker:
Joyce Ann
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Cherry Garcia

Re: June GD Challenge #1
FUN challenge! I love sketches  :greeninlove:   I'm posting this sketch for the next person, and will come back and edit with my layout using Joyce Ann's sketch after I make the layout
This sketch is based on my layout Life is Sweet.  I had to find a layout I created where I didn't use another person's sketch because I used them a lot!  This one is actually based on about 3 or 4 different sketches I pulled elements from and created my own design.
Laura I would love to know what program you used to create your sketch, that is something I would love to start doing! Thanks for the challenge!



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Cherry Picker

Re: June GD Challenge #1
Ok, I totally love the idea behind this challenge! I'm joining in on the fun by submitting a sketch I created based off my layout, "Bunco Night". I'm posting the sketch here, but linking to the original layout in case it is unclear what any of the elements are. Can't wait to get started creating for this one!

Link to original layout: "Bunco Night"

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Linda L

Cherry Bomb

Re: June GD Challenge #1
I did this sketch by StacyLee last night. 



Here is my sketch:
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Cherry Crush

Re: June GD Challenge #1
Linda-1949 wrote:
Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:12 pm
I did this sketch by StacyLee last night. 


Here is my sketch:
Great job on the sketch!  Unfortunately, I  see a chance for this to get out of order, now. :(  Everybody, please post your sketch and intention to do the sketch ahead of you before you do it, or we will have people doing the same one.  PM'ing Rachel now!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: June GD Challenge #1
Here's my layout based on Linda's sketch.

Image            Image

Here is my sketch based on my layout Beauty.

Image  Image  

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Cherry Crush

Re: June GD Challenge #1
lewisbaby wrote:
Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:25 pm
I'll be doing a layout based on Linda's sketch.


Here is my sketch based on my layout Beauty.


I am trying to get this back on track so somebody does one based on Rachel's sketch.  I emailed Rachel and asked her to use Linda's sketch, instead of StacyLee's, since Linda already did it, but I don't know how this is going to work out so nobody gets skipped. :(
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Cherry Picker

Re: June GD Challenge #1
Ok, I'm reposting because my sketch accidentally got skipped the first time around, and I want to be sure I can participate in this challenge! So, I'm reposting my "Bunco Night" sketch here for the next person, and will complete a layout based on the sketch before THIS POSTING, which is lewisbaby's.

Link to original layout: "Bunco Night"


And, here's my layout, based on lewisbaby's sketch:


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Wild Cherry

Re: June GD Challenge #1
I will be doing Rachel's sketch.


I hope you can work with this sketch. I am no artist.

Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Cola

Re: June GD Challenge #1
Ok - I will be doing Retiree's sketch.

Here's mine - taken from my Town Green LO


And here's the one I did using Retiree's sketch

Hi everyone!     My name is Susan and I love to scrapbook!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: June GD Challenge #1
Rachel, I'll do yours, so we're back on track, and shoorn's. If Retiree3 is doing Rachel's, just let me know.

I'll post my sketch and layout from it tomorrow AM for the next person, then we'll be back on track. Im on my cell phone now, so I can't post to this thread.
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Cherry Crush

Re: June GD Challenge #1
sherelm wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:31 pm
Rachel, I'll do yours, so we're back on track, and shoorn's. If Retiree3 is doing Rachel's, just let me know.

I'll post my sketch and layout from it tomorrow AM for the next person, then we'll be back on track. Im on my cell phone now, so I can't post to this thread.

We are already back on track, thanks to Rachel's reposting. :)  You just need to do shoorn's sketch. :)  Please post your sketch first and then do your layout on her sketch so whoever goes next has a sketch to scrap from. :)
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: June GD Challenge #1
Laura here is my sketch...I just don't who 's sketch I'm suppose to work on. Shoorn's ? or do I wait for Sher?
Original layout HERE
and here is my lift of Susan's/shoorn's!
- joannie

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: June GD Challenge #1
Do shoorns.,Joanie, so as not to hold you up. Then I'll post mine.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: June GD Challenge #1
sherelm wrote:
Thu Jun 13, 2019 5:47 pm
Do shoorns.,Joanie, so as not to hold you up. Then I'll post mine.
Thanks Sher!  :-D
- joannie

  Image Image ImageImageImage
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A Cherry on Top

Re: June GD Challenge #1
So, if I'm understanding correctly I'll do Joannie's Sketch. :)

Here's my sketch and so sorry for the poor quality! I've not made a sketch in a long, long time! :(

Based on 'Boys and Their Toys' Layout.

I used Joannie's Sketch! :)

Photos of sweet granddaughter Sydney at her Solo & Ensemble performance. She played a saxophone and baritone in her small groups. So proud of her! (March 2019) :greeninlove:
Solo & Ensemble

I combined with the Music Challenge.
Image Image ImageImage
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: June GD Challenge #1
I will be doing Deanna's sketch. 

Here is mine.
ImageSusan  Image   Image  Image
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Cherry Crush

Re: June GD Challenge #1
I will be doing Susan's (oceanbreezes423) sketch!

And, here it is:


And, Susan's:

Here is my sketch, and the layout it's based on.  I can't draw.  This is so sad.

OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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