Hey There Cherries - did you all know that this month marks the 1 year anniversary of the Washi Challenge? WOW!!!!!! I would like to take this time to thank each and every Cherry for making this challenge a success. I am overwhelmed at how many Cherries do this challenge each month and also how many Cherries have started to "Collect" Washi Tape now. THANK YOU CHERRIES

What I would like to do this month, is to take you down memory lane. Let's take a look back at all of the challenges we had. I have listed them all below for your convienance so you won't have to go searching for all of them. This month's challenge is to pick your favorite month's challenge and do it again. Easy right? Well of course it is. The Queen of Washi would never ever put a twist on the Washi Challenge. But I would open it up for bonus entries. The way to earn bonus entries, is to combine any or all the Washi challenges into your 1 LO. Yep that's right, your 1 LO can earn you up to 12 entries. So for this month, I won't have an example, because quite frankly I don't have one to show

April 2014 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=252546
May 2014 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=252784
June 2014 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=253346&hilit=June+ ... +challenge
July 2014 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=253631&hilit=July+ ... +challenge
August 2014 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=253983&hilit=Augus ... +challenge
Sepetember 2014 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=254259&hilit=Septe ... +challenge
October 2014 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=254515&hilit=Octob ... +challenge
November 2014 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=254742&hilit=novem ... +challenge
December 2014 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=255019&hilit=decem ... +challenge
January 2015 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=255202&hilit=janua ... +challenge
February 2015 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=255443&hilit=Febru ... +Challenge
March 2015 - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=255666
- For Paper, Digi, Hybrid Scrappers and Card Makers.
- Post to this thread by midnight April 30- CST.
- Multiply entries allowed.
- I will randomly choose a winner for a $5 ACOT Gift Certificate.
- May not be combined with any other challenges (let's let that Washi be the star).
- Please have fun with this. There is no right or wrong way to use Washi Tape.
- Christi S
- Christi S
- Christi S
- Christi S
- Christi S
- Christi S
- Christi S
- Christi S
- Christi S
- Christi S
- Christi S
- Christi S
- Christi S
- criminal
- scrappininAK
- scrappininAK
- Joannie
- average_kim
- oceanbreezes423
- oceanbreezes423
- 1scrappymom
- 1scrappymom
- 1scrappymom
- Christi S
- Deanna13
- scrapsteph
- scrapsteph
- sweetsour
- sweetsour
- Deanna13
- Retiree3
- 1scrappymom
- 1scrappymom
- 1scrappymom
- 1scrappymom
- 1scrappymom
- 1scrappymom
- 1scrappymom
- MacSarah
- MacSarah
- MacSarah
- MacSarah
- MacSarah
- MacSarah
- MacSarah
- MacSarah
- MacSarah
- MacSarah
- MacSarah
- MacSarah
- pawprints
- pawprints
- lewisbaby
- lewisbaby
- lewisbaby