honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, I'd love to hear how you feel about your chest...are you a member of the IBTC? Or the Cleavage Club, like me? So yes, it will involve a little journaling. HOpe that doesn't turn you off!
Here is my own layout....
There is a twist available, in case you don't want to talk about your chest, or are uncomfortable, or like some just don't want to take pictures and prefer to scrap what you have. The twist is can scrap about something positive about your body! I would love to see something about what you would like a younger girl to learn about self esteem, about liking themselves just as they are. I know I"m being somewhat vague, and I apologize for that, but it's because I want you guys to run with this and see where you end up!
Oh....and if you use mostly pink like I did? You get an extra entry into the drawing for a little prize from me! You can get another chance for an extra entry by using the phrase "proud member of the Cleavage Club" or "proud member of the IBTC". Let's have some fun!
Layouts/projects due in long as the date of your posting says October, it's good!
Combining is allowed, so are multiple entries if you wish.
Random drawing for a little prize from me.
Post your entries here...I didn't make a gallery.
Questions? Don't hesitate to ask!
Since there were only 2 participants in this month's challenge, I decided to reward both for braving my challenge and posting a layout. Thus, congrats to both CNMommy and Berta R.....a little gift card is winging its way to you!