1. All pictures must be taken specifically for this photo hunt.
2. You may edit or alter only 1 photo.
3. You may have ONE other person take ONE picture for you. You may only do this one time, so choose carefully!!
4. Please explain your picture in the description of your photo upload and include the item number.
5. No computer images. Photo must be a picture of the item, and not a picture of a picture of the item, and not an image downloaded off the web.
6. One item per picture.
September Photo List:
1. A school bus
2. School supplies
3. New shoes or new clothing
4. A crosswalk
5. Football (the ball or a game)
6. Change in the season
7. Homework
8. Summer's end
9. Playground
10. A Musical Instrument
11. A lunch box
12. Leaves changing colors
13. Exercise
14. A scoreboard
15. Harvest
16. Something brown
17. A barn
18. Something that you associate with September
19. Something cozy
20. A breakfast food
If you have questions post them here. Remember to have fun and be creative. Be sure to think outside the box; you don't need to have children to get these photos.